type              139 .ext/include/x86_64-linux/ruby/config.h #define RUBY_ALIAS_FUNCTION_TYPE(type, prot, name, args) type prot __attribute__((alias(#name)));
type               67 bignum.c       #define ALIGNOF(type) ((int)offsetof(struct { char f1; type f2; }, f2))
type             5058 bignum.c               rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "bignum too big to convert into `%s'", type);
type             5120 bignum.c       	rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "bignum too big to convert into `%s'", type);
type               49 ccan/check_type/check_type.h 	((typeof(expr) *)0 != (type *)0)
type               57 ccan/check_type/check_type.h 	BUILD_ASSERT_OR_ZERO(sizeof(expr) == sizeof(type))
type              363 ccan/list/list.h #define list_entry(n, type, member) container_of(n, type, member)
type              380 ccan/list/list.h 	((type *)list_top_((h), list_off_(type, member)))
type              404 ccan/list/list.h 	((type *)list_pop_((h), list_off_(type, member)))
type              432 ccan/list/list.h 	((type *)list_tail_((h), list_off_(type, member)))
type              722 ccan/list/list.h 	((type *)list_node_from_off_((n), (off)))
type              725 ccan/list/list.h 	((type *)list_head_off((h), (off)))
type              728 ccan/list/list.h 	((type *)list_tail_((h), (off)))
type              751 ccan/list/list.h 	(container_off(type, member) +				\
type              752 ccan/list/list.h 	 check_type(((type *)0)->member, struct list_node))
type              252 class.c            if (me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_ISEQ) {
type              893 class.c        	    int type = BUILTIN_TYPE(p);
type              894 class.c        	    if (type == T_ICLASS) {
type              902 class.c        	    else if (type == T_CLASS) {
type              946 class.c            if (me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED) {
type             1119 class.c            return ins_methods_push((ID)name, (rb_method_visibility_t)type, (VALUE)ary, METHOD_VISI_UNDEF); /* everything but private */
type             1125 class.c            return ins_methods_push((ID)name, (rb_method_visibility_t)type, (VALUE)ary, METHOD_VISI_PROTECTED);
type             1131 class.c            return ins_methods_push((ID)name, (rb_method_visibility_t)type, (VALUE)ary, METHOD_VISI_PRIVATE);
type             1137 class.c            return ins_methods_push((ID)name, (rb_method_visibility_t)type, (VALUE)ary, METHOD_VISI_PUBLIC);
type             1150 class.c            rb_method_visibility_t type;
type             1152 class.c            if (me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED) {
type             1160 class.c        	    type = METHOD_VISI_UNDEF; /* none */
type             1163 class.c        	    type = METHOD_ENTRY_VISI(me);
type             1165 class.c        	st_add_direct(arg->list, key, (st_data_t)type);
type             1751 class.c            if (me && me->def && me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC &&
type               41 compile.c          } type;
type              191 compile.c        new_child_iseq(iseq, (node), rb_fstring(name), 0, (type), (line_no))
type              194 compile.c        new_child_iseq(iseq, (node), rb_fstring(name), iseq, (type), (line_no))
type              280 compile.c          VALUE _e = rb_ary_new3(5, (type),						\
type              315 compile.c      #define IS_INSN(link) ((link)->type == ISEQ_ELEMENT_INSN)
type              316 compile.c      #define IS_LABEL(link) ((link)->type == ISEQ_ELEMENT_LABEL)
type              317 compile.c      #define IS_ADJUST(link) ((link)->type == ISEQ_ELEMENT_ADJUST)
type              574 compile.c      	switch (iseq->body->type) {
type              620 compile.c      	switch (iseq->body->type) {
type              647 compile.c          if (iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_RESCUE || iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_ENSURE) {
type              986 compile.c      	       list->prev, FIX2INT(list->type));
type             1004 compile.c          labelobj->link.type = ISEQ_ELEMENT_LABEL;
type             1020 compile.c          adjust->link.type = ISEQ_ELEMENT_ADJUST;
type             1035 compile.c          iobj->link.type = ISEQ_ELEMENT_INSN;
type             1110 compile.c      				    INT2FIX(line_no), parent, type, ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq)->option);
type             1448 compile.c      	if (iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_BLOCK) {
type             1583 compile.c      	switch (list->type) {
type             1636 compile.c      	switch (list->type) {
type             1670 compile.c      		    char type = types[j];
type             1672 compile.c      		    switch (type) {
type             1774 compile.c      				      "unknown operand type: %c", type);
type             1884 compile.c      	    entry->type = (enum catch_type)(ptr[0] & 0xffff);
type             1901 compile.c      		if (entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_RESCUE ||
type             1902 compile.c      		    entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_BREAK ||
type             1903 compile.c      		    entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_NEXT) {
type             2416 compile.c          switch (iseq->body->type) {
type             2638 compile.c      	switch (list->type) {
type             2899 compile.c      	    switch (type) {
type             2922 compile.c      		if (type != COMPILE_ARRAY_TYPE_ARRAY && !node->nd_head) {
type             2936 compile.c      		if (type == COMPILE_ARRAY_TYPE_ARGS && node->nd_next == NULL /* last node */ && compile_array_keyword_arg(iseq, anchor, node->nd_head, keywords_ptr)) {
type             2944 compile.c      	    if (opt_p && type != COMPILE_ARRAY_TYPE_ARGS) {
type             2970 compile.c      			if (type == COMPILE_ARRAY_TYPE_ARRAY) {
type             2980 compile.c      			if (type == COMPILE_ARRAY_TYPE_ARRAY) {
type             2994 compile.c      		    switch (type) {
type             3048 compile.c          return compile_array_(iseq, ret, node_root, type, NULL, 0);
type             3389 compile.c          enum node_type type;
type             3391 compile.c          switch (type = nd_type(node)) {
type             3487 compile.c      	    (type == NODE_CALL ||
type             3488 compile.c      	     (type == NODE_ATTRASGN && !private_recv_p(node)));
type             3522 compile.c      		  INT2FIX((node->nd_nth << 1) | (type == NODE_BACK_REF)),
type             3596 compile.c      	    if (iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_BLOCK) {
type             3838 compile.c          enum node_type type;
type             3865 compile.c          type = nd_type(node);
type             3867 compile.c          switch (type) {
type             3924 compile.c      	rb_hash_tbl_raw(literals)->type = &cdhash_type;
type             3933 compile.c      	type = nd_type(node);
type             3936 compile.c      	if (type != NODE_WHEN) {
type             3937 compile.c      	    COMPILE_ERROR(ERROR_ARGS "NODE_CASE: unexpected node. must be NODE_WHEN, but %s", ruby_node_name(type));
type             3947 compile.c      	while (type == NODE_WHEN) {
type             3983 compile.c      	    type = nd_type(node);
type             4089 compile.c      	if (type == NODE_OPT_N || node->nd_state == 1) {
type             4107 compile.c      	if (type == NODE_WHILE) {
type             4111 compile.c      	else if (type == NODE_UNTIL) {
type             4228 compile.c      	else if (iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_BLOCK) {
type             4237 compile.c      	else if (iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_EVAL) {
type             4257 compile.c      		else if (ip->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_BLOCK) {
type             4261 compile.c      		else if (ip->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_EVAL) {
type             4303 compile.c      	else if (iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_EVAL) {
type             4321 compile.c      		else if (ip->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_BLOCK) {
type             4324 compile.c      		else if (ip->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_EVAL) {
type             4357 compile.c      	else if (iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_EVAL) {
type             4388 compile.c      		else if (ip->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_BLOCK) {
type             4391 compile.c      		else if (ip->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_EVAL) {
type             4412 compile.c      	if (iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_RESCUE) {
type             4558 compile.c      	if (type == NODE_AND) {
type             5126 compile.c      	if (type == NODE_CALL || type == NODE_QCALL) {
type             5128 compile.c      	    if (type == NODE_QCALL) {
type             5134 compile.c      	else if (type == NODE_FCALL || type == NODE_VCALL) {
type             5316 compile.c      	int type = node->nd_head ? nd_type(node->nd_head) : NODE_ZARRAY;
type             5319 compile.c      	switch (type) {
type             5331 compile.c      			ruby_node_name(type));
type             5343 compile.c      	    if (is->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_TOP) {
type             5349 compile.c      		if (is->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_METHOD) {
type             5357 compile.c      		if (is->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_METHOD) {
type             5384 compile.c      	if (iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_TOP) {
type             5876 compile.c      	VALUE flag = type == NODE_DOT2 ? INT2FIX(0) : INT2FIX(1);
type             5955 compile.c      	    if (iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_RESCUE) {
type             5962 compile.c      		    if (ip->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_RESCUE) {
type             6225 compile.c      	    char type = types[j];
type             6227 compile.c      	    switch (type) {
type             6296 compile.c      		rb_raise(rb_eSyntaxError, "unknown operand type: %c", type);
type             6318 compile.c      	switch (link->type) {
type             6346 compile.c      	    rb_raise(rb_eSyntaxError, "dump_disasm_list error: %ld\n", FIX2LONG(link->type));
type             6424 compile.c      	VALUE v, type;
type             6435 compile.c      	type = get_exception_sym2type(ptr[0]);
type             6450 compile.c      	ADD_CATCH_ENTRY(type, lstart, lend, eiseq, lcont);
type             6635 compile.c      			    rb_hash_tbl_raw(map)->type = &cdhash_type;
type             6873 compile.c      	while (iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_BLOCK ||
type             6874 compile.c      	       iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_RESCUE ||
type             6875 compile.c      	       iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_ENSURE ||
type             6876 compile.c      	       iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_EVAL ||
type             6877 compile.c      	       iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_MAIN
type             7086 compile.c      #define IBF_W(b, type, n) (type *)(VALUE)ibf_dump_write(dump, (b), sizeof(type) * (n))
type             7088 compile.c      #define IBF_WP(b, type, n) ibf_dump_write(dump, (b), sizeof(type) * (n))
type             7089 compile.c      #define IBF_R(val, type, n) (type *)ibf_load_alloc(load, IBF_OFFSET(val), sizeof(type) * (n))
type             7596 compile.c          load_body->type = body->type;
type             7696 compile.c          unsigned int type: 5;
type             7755 compile.c      #define IBF_OBJBODY(type, offset) (type *)(load->buff + sizeof(struct ibf_object_header) + (offset))
type             8014 compile.c      	enum ibf_object_data_type type = IBF_OBJECT_DATA_ENCODING;
type             8016 compile.c      	IBF_WV(type);
type             8059 compile.c          VALUE obj = header->type == T_COMPLEX ?
type             8126 compile.c          obj_header.type = TYPE(obj);
type             8146 compile.c      	(*dump_object_functions[obj_header.type])(dump, obj);
type             8209 compile.c      		obj = (*load_object_functions[header->type])(load, header, offset);
type               84 cont.c             enum context_type type;
type              191 cont.c         	    if (cont->type == CONTINUATION_CONTEXT) {
type              225 cont.c         	if (cont->type == CONTINUATION_CONTEXT) {
type              235 cont.c         	    if (th && th->fiber != fib && cont->type != ROOT_FIBER_CONTEXT) {
type              244 cont.c                             if (cont->type == ROOT_FIBER_CONTEXT) {
type              324 cont.c         	if (fib->cont.type != ROOT_FIBER_CONTEXT &&
type              341 cont.c             if (fib->cont.type != ROOT_FIBER_CONTEXT &&
type              535 cont.c             if (cont->type == CONTINUATION_CONTEXT) {
type             1183 cont.c             fib->cont.type = FIBER_CONTEXT;
type             1302 cont.c             fib->cont.type = ROOT_FIBER_CONTEXT;
type             1501 cont.c             if (fib->prev != 0 || fib->cont.type == ROOT_FIBER_CONTEXT) {
type               89 dir.c          # define SIZEUP32(type) RUP32(sizeof(type))
type             1219 dir.c          #define GLOB_ALLOC(type) ((type *)malloc(sizeof(type)))
type             1220 dir.c          #define GLOB_ALLOC_N(type, n) ((type *)malloc(sizeof(type) * (n)))
type             1394 dir.c              enum glob_pattern_type type;
type             1413 dir.c          	    tmp->type = RECURSIVE;
type             1438 dir.c          	    tmp->type = magic > MAGICAL ? MAGICAL : magic > non_magic ? magic : PLAIN;
type             1460 dir.c              tmp->type = dirsep ? MATCH_DIR : MATCH_ALL;
type             1531 dir.c              *type = path_noent;
type             1539 dir.c                case VREG: *type = path_regular; break;
type             1540 dir.c                case VDIR: *type = path_directory; break;
type             1541 dir.c                case VLNK: *type = path_symlink; break;
type             1542 dir.c                default: *type = path_exist; break;
type             1599 dir.c          	*type = path_noent;
type             1607 dir.c              *type =
type             1708 dir.c          	if (p->type == RECURSIVE) {
type             1712 dir.c          	switch (p->type) {
type             1777 dir.c          	if (cur + 1 == end && (*cur)->type <= ALPHA) {
type             1868 dir.c          		if (p->type == RECURSIVE) {
type             1874 dir.c          		switch (p->type) {
type             1910 dir.c          	    *copy_end++ = (*cur)->type <= ALPHA ? *cur : 0;
type             1949 dir.c          		if ((*cur)->type == ALPHA) {
type             1371 error.c            rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid value for %s: %+"PRIsVALUE, type, s);
type             1459 eval.c         	    if (cfp->iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_RESCUE) {
type             1462 eval.c         	    else if (cfp->iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_ENSURE &&
type               37 ext/-test-/printf/printf.c     VALUE opt, type, num, result;
type               42 ext/-test-/printf/printf.c     rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "2:", &type, &num, &opt);
type               43 ext/-test-/printf/printf.c     Check_Type(type, T_STRING);
type               44 ext/-test-/printf/printf.c     if (RSTRING_LEN(type) != 1) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong length(%ld)", RSTRING_LEN(type));
type               45 ext/-test-/printf/printf.c     switch (cnv = RSTRING_PTR(type)[0]) {
type                3 ext/-test-/symbol/extconf.h #define TEST_INIT_FUNCS(X) X(type)
type                6 ext/-test-/symbol/type.c 	t = (id ? rb_is_##type##_id(id) : rb_is_##type##_name(name)); \
type               10 ext/-test-/symbol/type.c 	t = rb_is_##type##_id(rb_to_id(name)); \
type               16 ext/-test-/symbol/type.c bug_sym_##type##_p(VALUE self, VALUE name) \
type               19 ext/-test-/symbol/type.c     get_symbol_type(type, t, name); \
type               24 ext/-test-/symbol/type.c     rb_define_singleton_method(klass, #type"?", bug_sym_##type##_p, 1);
type               78 ext/fiddle/closure.c     int i, type;
type               83 ext/fiddle/closure.c         type = NUM2INT(RARRAY_AREF(rbargs, i));
type               84 ext/fiddle/closure.c         switch (type) {
type              132 ext/fiddle/closure.c 	    rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "closure args: %d", type);
type              139 ext/fiddle/closure.c     type = NUM2INT(ctype);
type              140 ext/fiddle/closure.c     switch (type) {
type              177 ext/fiddle/closure.c 	rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "closure retval: %d", type);
type              241 ext/fiddle/closure.c         int type = NUM2INT(RARRAY_AREF(args, i));
type              242 ext/fiddle/closure.c         cl->argv[i] = INT2FFI_TYPE(type);
type                8 ext/fiddle/conversions.c     if (type < 0) {
type                9 ext/fiddle/conversions.c 	type = -1 * type;
type               15 ext/fiddle/conversions.c     switch (type) {
type               37 ext/fiddle/conversions.c 	rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "unknown type %d", type);
type               45 ext/fiddle/conversions.c     switch (type) {
type               90 ext/fiddle/conversions.c 	rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "unknown type %d", type);
type               97 ext/fiddle/conversions.c     int type = NUM2INT(rettype);
type              102 ext/fiddle/conversions.c     switch (type) {
type              135 ext/fiddle/conversions.c 	rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "unknown type %d", type);
type              119 ext/fiddle/fiddle.h #define ALIGN_OF(type) offsetof(struct {char align_c; type align_x;}, align_x)
type              117 ext/fiddle/function.c 	int type = NUM2INT(a);
type              118 ext/fiddle/function.c 	(void)INT2FFI_TYPE(type); /* raise */
type              119 ext/fiddle/function.c 	if (INT2FIX(type) != a) rb_ary_store(ary, i, INT2FIX(type));
type              135 ext/fiddle/function.c 	int type = NUM2INT(RARRAY_AREF(args, i));
type              136 ext/fiddle/function.c 	arg_types[i] = INT2FFI_TYPE(type);
type              200 ext/fiddle/function.c 	VALUE type = RARRAY_AREF(types, i);
type              202 ext/fiddle/function.c 	int argtype = FIX2INT(type);
type              163 ext/objspace/objspace.c     VALUE type;
type              165 ext/objspace/objspace.c #define CASE_TYPE(t) case t: type = ID2SYM(rb_intern(#t)); break;
type              195 ext/objspace/objspace.c     return type;
type              244 ext/objspace/objspace.c 	    VALUE type = type2sym(i);
type              246 ext/objspace/objspace.c 	    rb_hash_aset(hash, type, SIZET2NUM(counts[i]));
type              697 ext/objspace/objspace.c     VALUE type = type2sym(BUILTIN_TYPE(obj));
type              699 ext/objspace/objspace.c     return rb_sprintf("#<InternalObject:%p %"PRIsVALUE">", (void *)obj, rb_sym2str(type));
type               26 ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c     VALUE type;
type              106 ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c #define CASE_TYPE(type) case T_##type: return #type; break
type               26 ext/openssl/openssl_missing.h #  define EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey) EVP_PKEY_type((pkey)->type)
type               51 ext/openssl/ossl.c STACK_OF(type) *						\
type               54 ext/openssl/ossl.c     STACK_OF(type) *sk;						\
type               56 ext/openssl/ossl.c     type *x;							\
type               60 ext/openssl/ossl.c     sk = sk_##type##_new_null();				\
type               66 ext/openssl/ossl.c 	    sk_##type##_pop_free(sk, type##_free);		\
type               71 ext/openssl/ossl.c 	sk_##type##_push(sk, x);				\
type               76 ext/openssl/ossl.c STACK_OF(type) *						\
type               79 ext/openssl/ossl.c     return (STACK_OF(type)*)rb_protect(				\
type               85 ext/openssl/ossl.c STACK_OF(type) *						\
type               88 ext/openssl/ossl.c     STACK_OF(type) *sk;						\
type              102 ext/openssl/ossl.c     type *t;					\
type              110 ext/openssl/ossl.c     num = sk_##type##_num(sk);			\
type              118 ext/openssl/ossl.c 	t = sk_##type##_value(sk, i);		\
type              531 ext/openssl/ossl.c     ossl_lock_unlock(mode, &ossl_locks[type]);
type               40 ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c     switch (time->type) {
type              128 ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c     if (ai->type == V_ASN1_ENUMERATED)
type              131 ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c     VALUE type, data;
type              133 ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c     rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &type, &data);
type              134 ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c     md = GetDigestPtr(type);
type              475 ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c     if(!PKCS7_set_type(p7, ossl_pkcs7_sym2typeid(type)))
type              478 ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c     return type;
type              660 ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c     i = OBJ_obj2nid(pkcs7->type);
type              683 ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c     i = OBJ_obj2nid(pkcs7->type);
type              976 ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c     if (asn1obj->type == V_ASN1_UTCTIME) {
type              202 ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c     VALUE oid, value, type;
type              205 ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c     rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &oid, &value, &type);
type              208 ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c     if(NIL_P(type)) type = rb_aref(OBJECT_TYPE_TEMPLATE, oid);
type              210 ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c     if (!X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt(name, oid_name, NUM2INT(type),
type              313 ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c 			  INT2FIX(value->type));
type              307 ext/psych/psych_parser.c 	switch(event.type) {
type              582 ext/psych/yaml/api.c     switch (token->type)
type              989 ext/psych/yaml/api.c     switch (event->type)
type             1135 ext/psych/yaml/api.c         switch (node.type) {
type             1368 ext/psych/yaml/api.c     assert(document->nodes.start[sequence-1].type == YAML_SEQUENCE_NODE);
type             1398 ext/psych/yaml/api.c     assert(document->nodes.start[mapping-1].type == YAML_MAPPING_NODE);
type              182 ext/psych/yaml/dumper.c             if (node.type == YAML_SCALAR_NODE) {
type              186 ext/psych/yaml/dumper.c         if (node.type == YAML_SEQUENCE_NODE) {
type              189 ext/psych/yaml/dumper.c         if (node.type == YAML_MAPPING_NODE) {
type              216 ext/psych/yaml/dumper.c         switch (node->type) {
type              281 ext/psych/yaml/dumper.c     switch (node->type) {
type              318 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c     switch (emitter->events.head->type) {
type              336 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c         switch (event->type) {
type              498 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c     if (event->type == YAML_STREAM_START_EVENT)
type              554 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c     if (event->type == YAML_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT)
type              650 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c     else if (event->type == YAML_STREAM_END_EVENT)
type              694 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c     if (event->type == YAML_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT)
type              741 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c     if (event->type == YAML_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT)
type              790 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c     if (event->type == YAML_MAPPING_END_EVENT)
type              876 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c     if (event->type == YAML_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT)
type              909 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c     if (event->type == YAML_MAPPING_END_EVENT)
type              978 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c     switch (event->type)
type             1105 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c     return (emitter->events.head[0].type == YAML_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT
type             1106 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c             && emitter->events.head[1].type == YAML_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT);
type             1119 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c     return (emitter->events.head[0].type == YAML_MAPPING_START_EVENT
type             1120 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c             && emitter->events.head[1].type == YAML_MAPPING_END_EVENT);
type             1133 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c     switch (event->type)
type             1691 ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c     switch (event->type)
type               80 ext/psych/yaml/loader.c         assert(event.type == YAML_STREAM_START_EVENT);
type               89 ext/psych/yaml/loader.c     if (event.type == YAML_STREAM_END_EVENT) {
type              169 ext/psych/yaml/loader.c     assert(first_event->type == YAML_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT);
type              187 ext/psych/yaml/loader.c     assert(event.type == YAML_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT);
type              203 ext/psych/yaml/loader.c     switch (first_event->type) {
type              367 ext/psych/yaml/loader.c     while (event.type != YAML_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT) {
type              435 ext/psych/yaml/loader.c     while (event.type != YAML_MAPPING_END_EVENT) {
type               60 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         (parser->tokens.head->type == YAML_STREAM_END_TOKEN),                   \
type              320 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     if (token->type != YAML_STREAM_START_TOKEN) {
type              359 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         while (token->type == YAML_DOCUMENT_END_TOKEN) {
type              368 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     if (implicit && token->type != YAML_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN &&
type              369 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             token->type != YAML_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN &&
type              370 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             token->type != YAML_DOCUMENT_START_TOKEN &&
type              371 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             token->type != YAML_STREAM_END_TOKEN)
type              385 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     else if (token->type != YAML_STREAM_END_TOKEN)
type              394 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         if (token->type != YAML_DOCUMENT_START_TOKEN) {
type              447 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     if (token->type == YAML_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN ||
type              448 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             token->type == YAML_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN ||
type              449 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             token->type == YAML_DOCUMENT_START_TOKEN ||
type              450 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             token->type == YAML_DOCUMENT_END_TOKEN ||
type              451 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             token->type == YAML_STREAM_END_TOKEN) {
type              481 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     if (token->type == YAML_DOCUMENT_END_TOKEN) {
type              543 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     if (token->type == YAML_ALIAS_TOKEN)
type              556 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         if (token->type == YAML_ANCHOR_TOKEN)
type              564 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             if (token->type == YAML_TAG_TOKEN)
type              575 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         else if (token->type == YAML_TAG_TOKEN)
type              584 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             if (token->type == YAML_ANCHOR_TOKEN)
type              632 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         if (indentless_sequence && token->type == YAML_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN) {
type              640 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             if (token->type == YAML_SCALAR_TOKEN) {
type              659 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             else if (token->type == YAML_FLOW_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN) {
type              666 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             else if (token->type == YAML_FLOW_MAPPING_START_TOKEN) {
type              673 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             else if (block && token->type == YAML_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN) {
type              680 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             else if (block && token->type == YAML_BLOCK_MAPPING_START_TOKEN) {
type              741 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     if (token->type == YAML_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN)
type              747 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         if (token->type != YAML_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN &&
type              748 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c                 token->type != YAML_BLOCK_END_TOKEN) {
type              760 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     else if (token->type == YAML_BLOCK_END_TOKEN)
type              792 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     if (token->type == YAML_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN)
type              798 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         if (token->type != YAML_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN &&
type              799 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c                 token->type != YAML_KEY_TOKEN &&
type              800 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c                 token->type != YAML_VALUE_TOKEN &&
type              801 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c                 token->type != YAML_BLOCK_END_TOKEN) {
type              849 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     if (token->type == YAML_KEY_TOKEN)
type              855 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         if (token->type != YAML_KEY_TOKEN &&
type              856 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c                 token->type != YAML_VALUE_TOKEN &&
type              857 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c                 token->type != YAML_BLOCK_END_TOKEN) {
type              869 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     else if (token->type == YAML_BLOCK_END_TOKEN)
type              907 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     if (token->type == YAML_VALUE_TOKEN)
type              913 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         if (token->type != YAML_KEY_TOKEN &&
type              914 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c                 token->type != YAML_VALUE_TOKEN &&
type              915 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c                 token->type != YAML_BLOCK_END_TOKEN) {
type              964 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     if (token->type != YAML_FLOW_SEQUENCE_END_TOKEN)
type              967 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             if (token->type == YAML_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN) {
type              979 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         if (token->type == YAML_KEY_TOKEN) {
type              988 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         else if (token->type != YAML_FLOW_SEQUENCE_END_TOKEN) {
type             1018 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     if (token->type != YAML_VALUE_TOKEN && token->type != YAML_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN
type             1019 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             && token->type != YAML_FLOW_SEQUENCE_END_TOKEN) {
type             1048 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     if (token->type == YAML_VALUE_TOKEN) {
type             1052 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         if (token->type != YAML_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN
type             1053 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c                 && token->type != YAML_FLOW_SEQUENCE_END_TOKEN) {
type             1115 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     if (token->type != YAML_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN)
type             1118 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             if (token->type == YAML_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN) {
type             1130 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         if (token->type == YAML_KEY_TOKEN) {
type             1134 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             if (token->type != YAML_VALUE_TOKEN
type             1135 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c                     && token->type != YAML_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN
type             1136 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c                     && token->type != YAML_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN) {
type             1148 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         else if (token->type != YAML_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN) {
type             1184 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     if (token->type == YAML_VALUE_TOKEN) {
type             1188 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         if (token->type != YAML_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN
type             1189 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c                 && token->type != YAML_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN) {
type             1254 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c     while (token->type == YAML_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN ||
type             1255 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c             token->type == YAML_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN)
type             1257 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         if (token->type == YAML_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN) {
type             1278 ext/psych/yaml/parser.c         else if (token->type == YAML_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN) {
type              770 ext/psych/yaml/scanner.c     if (token->type == YAML_STREAM_END_TOKEN) {
type             1236 ext/psych/yaml/scanner.c         TOKEN_INIT(token, type, mark, mark);
type             1435 ext/psych/yaml/scanner.c     TOKEN_INIT(token, type, start_mark, end_mark);
type             1478 ext/psych/yaml/scanner.c     TOKEN_INIT(token, type, start_mark, end_mark);
type             1521 ext/psych/yaml/scanner.c     TOKEN_INIT(token, type, start_mark, end_mark);
type             1782 ext/psych/yaml/scanner.c     if (!yaml_parser_scan_anchor(parser, &token, type))
type             2361 ext/psych/yaml/scanner.c         yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, type == YAML_ANCHOR_TOKEN ?
type             2369 ext/psych/yaml/scanner.c     if (type == YAML_ANCHOR_TOKEN) {
type               31 ext/psych/yaml/yaml.h #       define  YAML_DECLARE(type)  type
type               33 ext/psych/yaml/yaml.h #       define  YAML_DECLARE(type)  __declspec(dllexport) type
type               35 ext/psych/yaml/yaml.h #       define  YAML_DECLARE(type)  __declspec(dllimport) type
type               38 ext/psych/yaml/yaml.h #   define  YAML_DECLARE(type)  type
type              270 ext/psych/yaml/yaml.h     yaml_token_type_t type;
type              387 ext/psych/yaml/yaml.h     yaml_event_type_t type;
type              720 ext/psych/yaml/yaml.h     yaml_node_type_t type;
type              505 ext/psych/yaml/yaml_private.h      (token).type = (token_type),                                               \
type              551 ext/psych/yaml/yaml_private.h      (event).type = (event_type),                                               \
type              637 ext/psych/yaml/yaml_private.h      (node).type = (node_type),                                                 \
type               17 ext/rbconfig/sizeof/sizes.c #define DEFINE(type, size) rb_hash_aset(s, rb_str_new_cstr(#type), INT2FIX(SIZEOF_##size))
type               18 ext/rbconfig/sizeof/sizes.c #define DEFINE_SIZE(type) rb_hash_aset(s, rb_str_new_cstr(#type), INT2FIX(sizeof(type)))
type              459 ext/ripper/ripper.c #define rb_node_newnode(type, a1, a2, a3) node_newnode(parser, (type), (a1), (a2), (a3))
type              467 ext/ripper/ripper.c #define logop(type,node1,node2) logop_gen(parser, (type), (node1), (node2))
type              541 ext/ripper/ripper.c #define new_attr_op_assign(lhs, type, attr, op, rhs) new_attr_op_assign_gen(parser, (lhs), (type), (attr), (op), (rhs))
type              606 ext/ripper/ripper.c #define new_attr_op_assign(lhs, type, attr, op, rhs) new_attr_op_assign_gen(parser, (lhs), (type), (attr), (op), (rhs))
type             12428 ext/ripper/ripper.c 		enum node_type type = nd_type(str_node);
type             12429 ext/ripper/ripper.c 		if (type == NODE_STR || type == NODE_DSTR) break;
type             12523 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	type = tIMAGINARY;
type             12526 ext/ripper/ripper.c     return type;
type             12532 ext/ripper/ripper.c     int type = tINTEGER;
type             12535 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	type = tRATIONAL;
type             12537 ext/ripper/ripper.c     return set_number_literal(v, type, suffix);
type             13345 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	int type = tFLOAT;
type             13350 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	    type = tRATIONAL;
type             13361 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	return set_number_literal(v, type, suffix);
type             14532 ext/ripper/ripper.c     NODE *n = (rb_node_newnode)(type, a0, a1, a2);
type             15576 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	enum node_type type;
type             15583 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	switch (type = nd_type(head)) {
type             15587 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			       type == NODE_DOT3);
type             15604 ext/ripper/ripper.c     enum node_type type;
type             15608 ext/ripper/ripper.c     type = nd_type(node);
type             15610 ext/ripper/ripper.c     if (type == NODE_LIT && FIXNUM_P(node->nd_lit)) {
type             15714 ext/ripper/ripper.c     if (left && (enum node_type)nd_type(left) == type) {
type             15716 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	while ((second = node->nd_2nd) != 0 && (enum node_type)nd_type(second) == type) {
type             15719 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	node->nd_2nd = NEW_NODE(type, second, right, 0);
type             15722 ext/ripper/ripper.c     return NEW_NODE(type, left, right, 0);
type             15761 ext/ripper/ripper.c     int type = TYPE(lit);
type             15762 ext/ripper/ripper.c     switch (type) {
type             15787 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	rb_bug("unknown literal type (%d) passed to negate_lit", type);
type             16056 ext/ripper/ripper.c     VALUE recv = dispatch3(field, lhs, type, attr);
type              405 ext/ripper/ripper.y #define rb_node_newnode(type, a1, a2, a3) node_newnode(parser, (type), (a1), (a2), (a3))
type              413 ext/ripper/ripper.y #define logop(type,node1,node2) logop_gen(parser, (type), (node1), (node2))
type              487 ext/ripper/ripper.y #define new_attr_op_assign(lhs, type, attr, op, rhs) new_attr_op_assign_gen(parser, (lhs), (type), (attr), (op), (rhs))
type              552 ext/ripper/ripper.y #define new_attr_op_assign(lhs, type, attr, op, rhs) new_attr_op_assign_gen(parser, (lhs), (type), (attr), (op), (rhs))
type             6679 ext/ripper/ripper.y 		enum node_type type = nd_type(str_node);
type             6680 ext/ripper/ripper.y 		if (type == NODE_STR || type == NODE_DSTR) break;
type             6774 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	type = tIMAGINARY;
type             6777 ext/ripper/ripper.y     return type;
type             6783 ext/ripper/ripper.y     int type = tINTEGER;
type             6786 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	type = tRATIONAL;
type             6788 ext/ripper/ripper.y     return set_number_literal(v, type, suffix);
type             7596 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	int type = tFLOAT;
type             7601 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	    type = tRATIONAL;
type             7612 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	return set_number_literal(v, type, suffix);
type             8783 ext/ripper/ripper.y     NODE *n = (rb_node_newnode)(type, a0, a1, a2);
type             9827 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	enum node_type type;
type             9834 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	switch (type = nd_type(head)) {
type             9838 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			       type == NODE_DOT3);
type             9855 ext/ripper/ripper.y     enum node_type type;
type             9859 ext/ripper/ripper.y     type = nd_type(node);
type             9861 ext/ripper/ripper.y     if (type == NODE_LIT && FIXNUM_P(node->nd_lit)) {
type             9965 ext/ripper/ripper.y     if (left && (enum node_type)nd_type(left) == type) {
type             9967 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	while ((second = node->nd_2nd) != 0 && (enum node_type)nd_type(second) == type) {
type             9970 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	node->nd_2nd = NEW_NODE(type, second, right, 0);
type             9973 ext/ripper/ripper.y     return NEW_NODE(type, left, right, 0);
type             10012 ext/ripper/ripper.y     int type = TYPE(lit);
type             10013 ext/ripper/ripper.y     switch (type) {
type             10038 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	rb_bug("unknown literal type (%d) passed to negate_lit", type);
type             10307 ext/ripper/ripper.y     VALUE recv = dispatch3(field, lhs, type, attr);
type               80 ext/socket/ancdata.c     int type = rsock_cmsg_type_arg(family, level, vtype);
type               84 ext/socket/ancdata.c     rb_ivar_set(self, rb_intern("type"), INT2NUM(type));
type               94 ext/socket/ancdata.c     ancillary_initialize((VALUE)obj, INT2NUM(family), INT2NUM(level), INT2NUM(type), data);
type              260 ext/socket/ancdata.c     int level, type;
type              263 ext/socket/ancdata.c     type = ancillary_type(self);
type              265 ext/socket/ancdata.c     if (level != SOL_SOCKET || type != SCM_RIGHTS)
type              303 ext/socket/ancdata.c     int level, type;
type              308 ext/socket/ancdata.c     type = ancillary_type(self);
type              312 ext/socket/ancdata.c     if (level == SOL_SOCKET && type == SCM_TIMESTAMP &&
type              321 ext/socket/ancdata.c     if (level == SOL_SOCKET && type == SCM_TIMESTAMPNS &&
type              334 ext/socket/ancdata.c     if (level == SOL_SOCKET && type == SCM_BINTIME &&
type              371 ext/socket/ancdata.c     int type = rsock_cmsg_type_arg(family, level, vtype);
type              373 ext/socket/ancdata.c     return ancdata_new(family, level, type, rb_str_new((char*)&i, sizeof(i)));
type              486 ext/socket/ancdata.c     int level, type;
type              493 ext/socket/ancdata.c     type = ancillary_type(self);
type              496 ext/socket/ancdata.c     if (level != IPPROTO_IP || type != IP_PKTINFO ||
type              565 ext/socket/ancdata.c     int level, type;
type              569 ext/socket/ancdata.c     type = ancillary_type(self);
type              572 ext/socket/ancdata.c     if (level != IPPROTO_IPV6 || type != IPV6_PKTINFO ||
type              674 ext/socket/ancdata.c     if (level == SOL_SOCKET && type == SCM_RIGHTS &&
type              694 ext/socket/ancdata.c     if (level == SOL_SOCKET && type == SCM_CREDENTIALS &&
type              713 ext/socket/ancdata.c     if (level != SOL_SOCKET && type != SCM_CREDS)
type              779 ext/socket/ancdata.c     if (level == IPPROTO_IP && type == IP_RECVDSTADDR &&
type              800 ext/socket/ancdata.c     if (level == IPPROTO_IP && type == IP_PKTINFO &&
type              829 ext/socket/ancdata.c     if (level == IPPROTO_IPV6 && type == IPV6_PKTINFO &&
type              956 ext/socket/ancdata.c     int family, level, type;
type              964 ext/socket/ancdata.c     type = ancillary_type(self);
type              978 ext/socket/ancdata.c         type_id = rsock_intern_scm_optname(type);
type              982 ext/socket/ancdata.c             rb_str_catf(ret, " cmsg_type:%d", type);
type              991 ext/socket/ancdata.c         vtype = ip_cmsg_type_to_sym(level, type);
type              995 ext/socket/ancdata.c             rb_str_catf(ret, " cmsg_type:%d", type);
type              999 ext/socket/ancdata.c         rb_str_catf(ret, " cmsg_type:%d", type);
type             1012 ext/socket/ancdata.c             switch (type) {
type             1014 ext/socket/ancdata.c               case SCM_TIMESTAMP: inspected = inspect_timeval_as_abstime(level, type, data, ret); break;
type             1017 ext/socket/ancdata.c               case SCM_TIMESTAMPNS: inspected = inspect_timespec_as_abstime(level, type, data, ret); break;
type             1020 ext/socket/ancdata.c               case SCM_BINTIME: inspected = inspect_bintime_as_abstime(level, type, data, ret); break;
type             1023 ext/socket/ancdata.c               case SCM_RIGHTS: inspected = anc_inspect_socket_rights(level, type, data, ret); break;
type             1026 ext/socket/ancdata.c               case SCM_CREDENTIALS: inspected = anc_inspect_passcred_credentials(level, type, data, ret); break;
type             1029 ext/socket/ancdata.c               case SCM_CREDS: inspected = anc_inspect_socket_creds(level, type, data, ret); break;
type             1044 ext/socket/ancdata.c             switch (type) {
type             1046 ext/socket/ancdata.c               case IP_RECVDSTADDR: inspected = anc_inspect_ip_recvdstaddr(level, type, data, ret); break;
type             1049 ext/socket/ancdata.c               case IP_PKTINFO: inspected = anc_inspect_ip_pktinfo(level, type, data, ret); break;
type             1057 ext/socket/ancdata.c             switch (type) {
type             1059 ext/socket/ancdata.c               case IPV6_PKTINFO: inspected = anc_inspect_ipv6_pktinfo(level, type, data, ret); break;
type             1095 ext/socket/ancdata.c     int type = rsock_cmsg_type_arg(family, level, vtype);
type             1098 ext/socket/ancdata.c         ancillary_type(self) == type)
type             1171 ext/socket/ancdata.c             int level, type;
type             1192 ext/socket/ancdata.c             type = rsock_cmsg_type_arg(family, level, vtype);
type             1201 ext/socket/ancdata.c             cmh.cmsg_type = type;
type               53 ext/socket/constants.c     return constant_arg(type, rsock_socktype_to_int, "unknown socket type");
type              105 ext/socket/constants.c             return constant_arg(type, rsock_scm_optname_to_int, "unknown UNIX control message");
type              107 ext/socket/constants.c             return constant_arg(type, rsock_ip_optname_to_int, "unknown IP control message");
type              110 ext/socket/constants.c             return constant_arg(type, rsock_ipv6_optname_to_int, "unknown IPv6 control message");
type              113 ext/socket/constants.c             return constant_arg(type, rsock_tcp_optname_to_int, "unknown TCP control message");
type              115 ext/socket/constants.c             return constant_arg(type, rsock_udp_optname_to_int, "unknown UDP control message");
type              117 ext/socket/constants.c             return NUM2INT(type);
type              123 ext/socket/constants.c             return constant_arg(type, rsock_scm_optname_to_int, "unknown UNIX control message");
type              125 ext/socket/constants.c             return NUM2INT(type);
type              306 ext/socket/init.c         ret = socket(domain, type|SOCK_CLOEXEC, proto);
type              314 ext/socket/init.c         ret = socket(domain, type|SOCK_CLOEXEC, proto);
type              323 ext/socket/init.c             ret = socket(domain, type, proto);
type              331 ext/socket/init.c         ret = socket(domain, type, proto);
type              346 ext/socket/init.c     int ret = socket(domain, type, proto);
type              361 ext/socket/init.c     fd = rsock_socket0(domain, type, proto);
type              364 ext/socket/init.c            fd = rsock_socket0(domain, type, proto);
type               20 ext/socket/ipsocket.c     int type;
type               45 ext/socket/ipsocket.c     int type = arg->type;
type               53 ext/socket/ipsocket.c 				     (type == INET_SERVER) ? AI_PASSIVE : 0);
type               58 ext/socket/ipsocket.c     if (type != INET_SERVER && (!NIL_P(arg->local.host) || !NIL_P(arg->local.serv))) {
type               91 ext/socket/ipsocket.c 	if (type == INET_SERVER) {
type              109 ext/socket/ipsocket.c 				       (type == INET_SOCKS));
type              138 ext/socket/ipsocket.c     if (type == INET_SERVER) {
type              163 ext/socket/ipsocket.c     arg.type = type;
type              111 ext/socket/socket.c     *tv = rsock_socktype_arg(type);
type              135 ext/socket/socket.c     VALUE domain, type, protocol;
type              139 ext/socket/socket.c     rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &domain, &type, &protocol);
type              143 ext/socket/socket.c     setup_domain_and_type(domain, &d, type, &t);
type              180 ext/socket/socket.c         ret = socketpair(domain, type|SOCK_CLOEXEC, protocol, sv);
type              187 ext/socket/socket.c         ret = socketpair(domain, type|SOCK_CLOEXEC, protocol, sv);
type              196 ext/socket/socket.c             ret = socketpair(domain, type, protocol, sv);
type              207 ext/socket/socket.c         ret = socketpair(domain, type, protocol, sv);
type              227 ext/socket/socket.c     int ret = socketpair(domain, type, protocol, sv);
type              243 ext/socket/socket.c     ret = rsock_socketpair0(domain, type, protocol, sv);
type              245 ext/socket/socket.c         ret = rsock_socketpair0(domain, type, protocol, sv);
type              283 ext/socket/socket.c     VALUE domain, type, protocol;
type              288 ext/socket/socket.c     rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &domain, &type, &protocol);
type              292 ext/socket/socket.c     setup_domain_and_type(domain, &d, type, &t);
type              508 ext/socket/unixsocket.c     VALUE domain, type, protocol;
type              512 ext/socket/unixsocket.c     rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &type, &protocol);
type              514 ext/socket/unixsocket.c 	type = INT2FIX(SOCK_STREAM);
type              519 ext/socket/unixsocket.c     args[1] = type;
type               57 ext/tk/tcltklib.c #define RbTk_ALLOC_N(type, n) (type *)ckalloc((int)(sizeof(type) * (n)))
type              121 ext/tk/tcltklib.c   int type;  /* ALPHA==0, BETA==1, FINAL==2 */
type              133 ext/tk/tcltklib.c 		   &(tcltk_version.type));
type             2139 ext/tk/tcltklib.c       if (tcltk_version.type < TCL_FINAL_RELEASE) {
type             3217 ext/tk/tcltklib.c         volatile VALUE type, str;
type             3223 ext/tk/tcltklib.c             type = eTkCallbackReturn;
type             3226 ext/tk/tcltklib.c             type = eTkCallbackBreak;
type             3229 ext/tk/tcltklib.c             type = eTkCallbackContinue;
type             3234 ext/tk/tcltklib.c             exc = rb_exc_new3(type, str);
type             4390 ext/tk/tcltklib.c     if (eventPtr->type == VisibilityNotify) {
type             4393 ext/tk/tcltklib.c     if (eventPtr->type == DestroyNotify) {
type             4406 ext/tk/tcltklib.c     if (eventPtr->type == DestroyNotify) {
type             4832 ext/tk/tcltklib.c     if (eventPtr->type == VisibilityNotify) {
type             4835 ext/tk/tcltklib.c     if (eventPtr->type == DestroyNotify) {
type             4849 ext/tk/tcltklib.c     if (eventPtr->type == DestroyNotify) {
type             9973 ext/tk/tcltklib.c 		          INT2NUM(tcltk_version.type),
type             9983 ext/tk/tcltklib.c     switch(tcltk_version.type) {
type             10609 ext/tk/tcltklib.c     int type;
type             10706 ext/tk/tcltklib.c     event.xany.type = ConfigureNotify;
type             1184 ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c     char  type[CBSUBST_TBL_MAX];
type             1247 ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c     inf->type[idx]   = '\0';
type             1570 ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c   VALUE inf, subst, name, type, ivar, proc;
type             1606 ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c     type = infp[1];
type             1610 ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c     subst_inf->type[chr] = NUM2CHR(type);
type             1634 ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c     type = infp[1];
type             1642 ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c     subst_inf->type[chr] = NUM2CHR(type);
type             1662 ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c     type = rb_ary_entry(inf, 0);
type             1664 ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c     if (RB_TYPE_P(type, T_STRING))
type             1665 ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c       type = INT2FIX(*(RSTRING_PTR(type)));
type             1666 ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c     rb_hash_aset(subst_inf->proc, type, proc);
type             1712 ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c 	if ((type_chr = inf->type[*(keyptr + idx)]) != 0) {
type             3322 ext/win32ole/win32ole.c     VALUE type;
type             3335 ext/win32ole/win32ole.c     type = WC2VSTR(bstr);
type             3345 ext/win32ole/win32ole.c         if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && rb_str_cmp(WC2VSTR(bstr), type) == 0) {
type             3458 ext/win32ole/win32ole.c     VALUE type = Qnil;
type             3466 ext/win32ole/win32ole.c     type = ole_type_from_itypeinfo(pTypeInfo);
type             3468 ext/win32ole/win32ole.c     if (type == Qnil) {
type             3471 ext/win32ole/win32ole.c     return type;
type             3613 ext/win32ole/win32ole.c     VALUE type = Qnil;
type             3626 ext/win32ole/win32ole.c     type = WC2VSTR(bstr);
type             3628 ext/win32ole/win32ole.c         rb_ary_push(typedetails, type);
type             3629 ext/win32ole/win32ole.c     return type;
type             3636 ext/win32ole/win32ole.c     VALUE type = rb_str_new2("");
type             3640 ext/win32ole/win32ole.c         type = ole_typedesc2val(pTypeInfo, p, typedetails);
type             3642 ext/win32ole/win32ole.c     return type;
type              496 ext/win32ole/win32ole_event.c     int type;
type              539 ext/win32ole/win32ole_event.c             for (type = 0; type < pTypeAttr->cImplTypes; type++) {
type              541 ext/win32ole/win32ole_event.c                                                              type,
type              307 ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c     VALUE type;
type              313 ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c     type = ole_typedesc2val(pTypeInfo, &(pFuncDesc->elemdescFunc.tdesc), Qnil);
type              315 ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c     return type;
type              375 ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c     VALUE type = rb_ary_new();
type              379 ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c         return type;
type              381 ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c     ole_typedesc2val(pTypeInfo, &(pFuncDesc->elemdescFunc.tdesc), type);
type              383 ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c     return type;
type              421 ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c     VALUE type = rb_str_new2("UNKNOWN");
type              425 ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c         type = rb_str_new2("PROPERTY");
type              427 ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c         type =  rb_str_new2("PROPERTYGET");
type              429 ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c         type = rb_str_new2("PROPERTYPUT");
type              431 ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c         type = rb_str_new2("PROPERTYPUTREF");
type              433 ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c         type = rb_str_new2("FUNC");
type              435 ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c     return type;
type              177 ext/win32ole/win32ole_param.c     VALUE type = rb_str_new2("unknown type");
type              180 ext/win32ole/win32ole_param.c         return type;
type              181 ext/win32ole/win32ole_param.c     type = ole_typedesc2val(pTypeInfo,
type              184 ext/win32ole/win32ole_param.c     return type;
type               87 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c     VALUE type = Qnil;
type              102 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c     type = create_win32ole_type(pTypeInfo, WC2VSTR(bstr));
type              103 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c     return type;
type              304 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c     VALUE type = Qnil;
type              307 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c         return type;
type              311 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c         type = rb_str_new2("Enum");
type              314 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c         type = rb_str_new2("Record");
type              317 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c         type = rb_str_new2("Module");
type              320 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c         type = rb_str_new2("Interface");
type              323 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c         type = rb_str_new2("Dispatch");
type              326 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c         type = rb_str_new2("Class");
type              329 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c         type = rb_str_new2("Alias");
type              332 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c         type = rb_str_new2("Union");
type              335 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c         type = rb_str_new2("Max");
type              338 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c         type = Qnil;
type              342 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c     return type;
type              771 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c     VALUE type;
type              793 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c             type = ole_type_from_itypeinfo(pRefTypeInfo);
type              794 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c             if (type != Qnil) {
type              795 ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c                 rb_ary_push(types, type);
type              673 ext/win32ole/win32ole_typelib.c     VALUE type;
type              686 ext/win32ole/win32ole_typelib.c         type = create_win32ole_type(pTypeInfo, WC2VSTR(bstr));
type              688 ext/win32ole/win32ole_typelib.c         rb_ary_push(classes, type);
type               95 ext/win32ole/win32ole_variable.c     VALUE type;
type               99 ext/win32ole/win32ole_variable.c     type = ole_typedesc2val(pTypeInfo, &(pVarDesc->elemdescVar.tdesc), Qnil);
type              101 ext/win32ole/win32ole_variable.c     return type;
type              137 ext/win32ole/win32ole_variable.c     VALUE type = rb_ary_new();
type              141 ext/win32ole/win32ole_variable.c     ole_typedesc2val(pTypeInfo, &(pVarDesc->elemdescVar.tdesc), type);
type              143 ext/win32ole/win32ole_variable.c     return type;
type             1947 gc.c               nd_set_type(n, type);
type             1956 gc.c               VALUE flags = T_IMEMO | (type << FL_USHIFT);
type             1964 gc.c               VALUE memo = rb_imemo_new(type, v1, v2, v3, v0);
type             1995 gc.c               return newobj_of(klass, T_DATA, (VALUE)type, (VALUE)1, (VALUE)datap, type->flags & RUBY_FL_WB_PROTECTED);
type             2006 gc.c               VALUE obj = rb_data_typed_object_wrap(klass, 0, type);
type             2015 gc.c           	const rb_data_type_t *type = RTYPEDDATA_TYPE(obj);
type             2017 gc.c           	if (ptr && type->function.dsize) {
type             2018 gc.c           	    return type->function.dsize(ptr);
type             2187 gc.c           		free_immediately = (RANY(obj)->as.typeddata.type->flags & RUBY_TYPED_FREE_IMMEDIATELY) != 0;
type             2188 gc.c           		dfree = RANY(obj)->as.typeddata.type->function.dfree;
type             2191 gc.c           		    fprintf(stderr, "not immediate -> %s\n", RANY(obj)->as.typeddata.type->wrap_struct_name);
type             2873 gc.c           		    RDATA(p)->dfree = RANY(p)->as.typeddata.type->function.dfree;
type             3325 gc.c                   VALUE type;
type             3327 gc.c           #define COUNT_TYPE(t) case (t): type = ID2SYM(rb_intern(#t)); break;
type             3355 gc.c                     default:              type = INT2NUM(i); break;
type             3358 gc.c                       rb_hash_aset(hash, type, SIZET2NUM(counts[i]));
type             4057 gc.c           	switch (def->type) {
type             4198 gc.c           	int type = BUILTIN_TYPE(obj);
type             4199 gc.c           	if (type != T_ZOMBIE && type != T_NONE) {
type             4489 gc.c           		    any->as.typeddata.type->function.dmark :
type             6620 gc.c           	const char *type = type_name(i, 0);
type             6621 gc.c           	rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(rb_intern(type)), SIZET2NUM(types[i]));
type             7685 gc.c               if (type == MEMOP_TYPE_MALLOC) {
type             7714 gc.c           		   type == MEMOP_TYPE_MALLOC  ? "malloc" :
type             7715 gc.c           		   type == MEMOP_TYPE_FREE    ? "free  " :
type             7716 gc.c           		   type == MEMOP_TYPE_REALLOC ? "realloc": "error",
type             7719 gc.c               switch (type) {
type             9066 gc.c               switch (type) {
type             9112 gc.c               switch (type) {
type             9126 gc.c               rb_bug("method_type_name: unreachable (type: %d)", type);
type             9146 gc.c           	const int type = BUILTIN_TYPE(obj);
type             9181 gc.c           	switch (type) {
type             9232 gc.c           			     method_type_name(me->def->type),
type              781 hash.c             tbl = st_init_table_with_size(RHASH(hash)->ntbl->type, RHASH(hash)->ntbl->num_entries);
type             1562 hash.c             if (tbl->type == &identhash || rb_obj_class(key) != rb_cString) {
type             1634 hash.c             if (table2) hash_tbl(hash)->type = table2->type;
type             2122 hash.c             if (RHASH(hash1)->ntbl->type != RHASH(hash2)->ntbl->type)
type             2451 hash.c             RHASH(p->hash)->ntbl->type = p->orighash;
type             2490 hash.c             orighash = table->type;
type             2499 hash.c         	table->type = &assochash;
type             2628 hash.c             RHASH(hash)->ntbl->type = &identhash;
type             2647 hash.c             if (RHASH(hash)->ntbl->type == &identhash) {
type             1113 id_table.c     		switch (type) {
type             1552 id_table.c         RUBY_ALIAS_FUNCTION_TYPE(type, prot, name, args)
type             1554 id_table.c         IMPL_TYPE1(type, rb_id_table_##name prot, IMPL(_##name), args)
type              321 include/ruby/defines.h     FUNC_MINIMIZED(type prot) {return (type)name args;}
type              520 include/ruby/ruby.h 	((type) == RUBY_T_FIXNUM) ? RB_FIXNUM_P(obj) : \
type              521 include/ruby/ruby.h 	((type) == RUBY_T_TRUE) ? ((obj) == RUBY_Qtrue) : \
type              522 include/ruby/ruby.h 	((type) == RUBY_T_FALSE) ? ((obj) == RUBY_Qfalse) : \
type              523 include/ruby/ruby.h 	((type) == RUBY_T_NIL) ? ((obj) == RUBY_Qnil) : \
type              524 include/ruby/ruby.h 	((type) == RUBY_T_UNDEF) ? ((obj) == RUBY_Qundef) : \
type              525 include/ruby/ruby.h 	((type) == RUBY_T_SYMBOL) ? RB_SYMBOL_P(obj) : \
type              526 include/ruby/ruby.h 	((type) == RUBY_T_FLOAT) ? RB_FLOAT_TYPE_P(obj) : \
type              527 include/ruby/ruby.h 	(!RB_SPECIAL_CONST_P(obj) && RB_BUILTIN_TYPE(obj) == (type)))
type              604 include/ruby/ruby.h     __extension__(__builtin_choose_expr(RUBY_SAFE_LEVEL_INVALID_P(level), ruby_safe_level_2_##type(), (level)))
type              613 include/ruby/ruby.h     (RUBY_SAFE_LEVEL_INVALID_P(level) ? ruby_safe_level_2_##type() : (level))
type              738 include/ruby/ruby.h VALUE rb_obj_setup(VALUE obj, VALUE klass, VALUE type);
type              739 include/ruby/ruby.h #define RB_NEWOBJ(obj,type) type *(obj) = (type*)rb_newobj()
type              740 include/ruby/ruby.h #define RB_NEWOBJ_OF(obj,type,klass,flags) type *(obj) = (type*)rb_newobj_of(klass, flags)
type              741 include/ruby/ruby.h #define NEWOBJ(obj,type) RB_NEWOBJ(obj,type)
type              742 include/ruby/ruby.h #define NEWOBJ_OF(obj,type,klass,flags) RB_NEWOBJ_OF(obj,type,klass,flags) /* core has special NEWOBJ_OF() in internal.h */
type              855 include/ruby/ruby.h 	    RGENGC_WB_PROTECTED_##type, \
type              859 include/ruby/ruby.h     (RGENGC_WB_PROTECTED_##type ? \
type             1093 include/ruby/ruby.h     const rb_data_type_t *type;
type             1101 include/ruby/ruby.h #define RTYPEDDATA_TYPE(v) (RTYPEDDATA(v)->type)
type             1119 include/ruby/ruby.h VALUE rb_data_typed_object_zalloc(VALUE klass, size_t size, const rb_data_type_t *type);
type             1141 include/ruby/ruby.h     (void)((sval) = (type *)DATA_PTR(result));
type             1145 include/ruby/ruby.h     Data_Make_Struct0(data_struct_obj, klass, type, sizeof(type), mark, free, sval); \
type             1150 include/ruby/ruby.h     rb_data_object_make((klass),(RUBY_DATA_FUNC)(mark),(RUBY_DATA_FUNC)(free),(void **)&(sval),sizeof(type)) \
type             1159 include/ruby/ruby.h     (void)((sval) = (type *)DATA_PTR(result));
type             1163 include/ruby/ruby.h     TypedData_Make_Struct0(data_struct_obj, klass, type, sizeof(type), data_type, sval); \
type             1168 include/ruby/ruby.h     rb_data_typed_object_make((klass),(data_type),(void **)&(sval),sizeof(type)) \
type             1173 include/ruby/ruby.h     ((sval) = (type*)rb_data_object_get(obj))
type             1176 include/ruby/ruby.h     ((sval) = (type*)rb_check_typeddata((obj), (data_type)))
type             1387 include/ruby/ruby.h rb_data_typed_object_make(VALUE klass, const rb_data_type_t *type, void **datap, size_t size)
type             1389 include/ruby/ruby.h     TypedData_Make_Struct0(result, klass, void, size, type, *datap);
type             1405 include/ruby/ruby.h rb_data_typed_object_alloc(VALUE klass, void *datap, const rb_data_type_t *type)
type             1407 include/ruby/ruby.h     return rb_data_typed_object_wrap(klass, datap, type);
type             1579 include/ruby/ruby.h #define RB_ALLOC_N(type,n) ((type*)ruby_xmalloc2((n),sizeof(type)))
type             1580 include/ruby/ruby.h #define RB_ALLOC(type) ((type*)ruby_xmalloc(sizeof(type)))
type             1581 include/ruby/ruby.h #define RB_ZALLOC_N(type,n) ((type*)ruby_xcalloc((n),sizeof(type)))
type             1582 include/ruby/ruby.h #define RB_ZALLOC(type) (RB_ZALLOC_N(type,1))
type             1583 include/ruby/ruby.h #define RB_REALLOC_N(var,type,n) ((var)=(type*)ruby_xrealloc2((char*)(var),(n),sizeof(type)))
type             1585 include/ruby/ruby.h #define ALLOC_N(type,n) RB_ALLOC_N(type,n)
type             1586 include/ruby/ruby.h #define ALLOC(type) RB_ALLOC(type)
type             1587 include/ruby/ruby.h #define ZALLOC_N(type,n) RB_ZALLOC_N(type,n)
type             1588 include/ruby/ruby.h #define ZALLOC(type) RB_ZALLOC(type)
type             1589 include/ruby/ruby.h #define REALLOC_N(var,type,n) RB_REALLOC_N(var,type,n)
type             1591 include/ruby/ruby.h #define ALLOCA_N(type,n) ((type*)alloca(sizeof(type)*(n)))
type             1638 include/ruby/ruby.h      rb_alloc_tmp_buffer2(&(v), (n), sizeof(type))))
type             1645 include/ruby/ruby.h     ((type*)(((size_t)(n) < RUBY_ALLOCV_LIMIT / sizeof(type)) ? \
type             1646 include/ruby/ruby.h 	     (RB_GC_GUARD(v) = 0, alloca((n) * sizeof(type))) : \
type             1647 include/ruby/ruby.h 	     rb_alloc_tmp_buffer2(&(v), (n), sizeof(type))))
type             1652 include/ruby/ruby.h #define ALLOCV_N(type, v, n) RB_ALLOCV_N(type, v, n)
type             1655 include/ruby/ruby.h #define MEMZERO(p,type,n) memset((p), 0, sizeof(type)*(n))
type             1656 include/ruby/ruby.h #define MEMCPY(p1,p2,type,n) memcpy((p1), (p2), sizeof(type)*(n))
type             1657 include/ruby/ruby.h #define MEMMOVE(p1,p2,type,n) memmove((p1), (p2), sizeof(type)*(n))
type             1658 include/ruby/ruby.h #define MEMCMP(p1,p2,type,n) memcmp((p1), (p2), sizeof(type)*(n))
type             1982 include/ruby/ruby.h     __extension__ (__builtin_constant_p(type) ? RB_TYPE_P((obj), (type)) : \
type             1983 include/ruby/ruby.h 		   rb_type(obj) == (type))
type             1985 include/ruby/ruby.h #define rb_type_p(obj, type) (rb_type(obj) == (type))
type               64 include/ruby/st.h    __builtin_choose_expr(__builtin_types_compatible_p(type, st_data_t), 1, 0)
type               70 include/ruby/st.h     const struct st_hash_type *type;
type              773 internal.h     #define MEMO_FOR(type, value) ((type *)RARRAY_PTR(value))
type              775 internal.h       ((value) = rb_ary_tmp_new_fill(type_roomof(type, VALUE)), MEMO_FOR(type, value))
type              777 internal.h       ((value) = rb_ary_tmp_new_fill(type_roomof(type, VALUE)), \
type              778 internal.h        rb_ary_set_len((value), offsetof(type, member) / sizeof(VALUE)), \
type              779 internal.h        MEMO_FOR(type, value))
type              800 internal.h         NEW_PARTIAL_MEMO_FOR(type, value, cmp_opt)
type              801 internal.h     #define CMP_OPTIMIZABLE_BIT(type) (1U << TOKEN_PASTE(cmp_opt_,type))
type              803 internal.h         (((data).opt_inited & CMP_OPTIMIZABLE_BIT(type)) ? \
type              804 internal.h          ((data).opt_methods & CMP_OPTIMIZABLE_BIT(type)) : \
type              805 internal.h          (((data).opt_inited |= CMP_OPTIMIZABLE_BIT(type)), \
type              806 internal.h           rb_method_basic_definition_p(TOKEN_PASTE(rb_c,type), id_cmp) && \
type              807 internal.h           ((data).opt_methods |= CMP_OPTIMIZABLE_BIT(type))))
type             1018 internal.h     #define SIZED_REALLOC_N(var,type,n,old_n) REALLOC_N(var, type, n)
type             1023 internal.h     #define SIZED_REALLOC_N(var,type,n,old_n) ((var)=(type*)ruby_sized_xrealloc((char*)(var), (n) * sizeof(type), (old_n) * sizeof(type)))
type             1032 internal.h       type *(obj) = (type*)(((flags) & FL_WB_PROTECTED) ? \
type             1614 internal.h     #define rb_imemo_new(type, v1, v2, v3, v0) rb_imemo_new_debug(type, v1, v2, v3, v0, __FILE__, __LINE__)
type              239 iseq.c             const VALUE type = iseq->body->type;
type              242 iseq.c             if (type == ISEQ_TYPE_TOP) {
type              245 iseq.c             else if (type == ISEQ_TYPE_METHOD || type == ISEQ_TYPE_CLASS) {
type              256 iseq.c             if (type == ISEQ_TYPE_MAIN) {
type              276 iseq.c             iseq->body->type = type;
type              439 iseq.c             return rb_iseq_new_with_opt(node, name, path, absolute_path, INT2FIX(0), parent, type,
type              481 iseq.c             prepare_iseq_build(iseq, name, path, absolute_path, first_lineno, parent, type, option);
type              521 iseq.c             const ID typeid = rb_check_id(&type);
type              541 iseq.c             VALUE type, body, locals, params, exception;
type              567 iseq.c             type        = CHECK_SYMBOL(rb_ary_entry(data, i++));
type              575 iseq.c             iseq_type = iseq_type_from_sym(type);
type              616 iseq.c             const enum iseq_type type = parent ? ISEQ_TYPE_EVAL : ISEQ_TYPE_TOP;
type              651 iseq.c         				    parent, type, &option);
type              706 iseq.c             if (local_iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_METHOD) {
type             1249 iseq.c             char type = types[op_no];
type             1252 iseq.c             switch (type) {
type             1375 iseq.c         	rb_bug("insn_operand_intern: unknown operand type: %c", type);
type             1439 iseq.c             switch (type) {
type             1453 iseq.c         	rb_bug("unknown catch type (%d)", type);
type             1504 iseq.c         			catch_type((int)entry->type), (int)entry->start,
type             1752 iseq.c             switch (type) {
type             1760 iseq.c         	rb_bug("exception_type2symbol: unknown type %d", (int)type);
type             1784 iseq.c             VALUE type; /* Symbol */
type             1822 iseq.c             switch (iseq->body->type) {
type             1823 iseq.c               case ISEQ_TYPE_TOP:    type = sym_top;    break;
type             1824 iseq.c               case ISEQ_TYPE_METHOD: type = sym_method; break;
type             1825 iseq.c               case ISEQ_TYPE_BLOCK:  type = sym_block;  break;
type             1826 iseq.c               case ISEQ_TYPE_CLASS:  type = sym_class;  break;
type             1827 iseq.c               case ISEQ_TYPE_RESCUE: type = sym_rescue; break;
type             1828 iseq.c               case ISEQ_TYPE_ENSURE: type = sym_ensure; break;
type             1829 iseq.c               case ISEQ_TYPE_EVAL:   type = sym_eval;   break;
type             1830 iseq.c               case ISEQ_TYPE_MAIN:   type = sym_main;   break;
type             1831 iseq.c               case ISEQ_TYPE_DEFINED_GUARD: type = sym_defined_guard; break;
type             2015 iseq.c         	rb_ary_push(ary, exception_type2symbol(entry->type));
type             2073 iseq.c             rb_ary_push(val, type);
type             2087 iseq.c         #define PARAM_TYPE(type) rb_ary_push(a = rb_ary_new2(2), ID2SYM(type))
type             2090 iseq.c         	PARAM_TYPE(type),		      \
type             2189 iseq.c             if ((unsigned)(type - 1) >= (unsigned)numberof(expr_names)) return 0;
type             2190 iseq.c             estr = expr_names[type - 1];
type             2197 iseq.c             str = defs[type-1];
type             2201 iseq.c         	defs[type-1] = str;
type              154 iseq.h             } type;
type               70 load.c         	    if ((type == EXPAND_RELATIVE &&
type               72 load.c         		(type == EXPAND_HOME &&
type               74 load.c         		(type == EXPAND_NON_CACHE)) {
type              337 load.c             if (type == 's' ? !IS_DLEXT(&name[plen+len]) :
type              338 load.c         	type == 'r' ? !IS_RBEXT(&name[plen+len]) :
type              361 load.c             int type;
type              372 load.c         				  fp->type, fp->load_path);
type              386 load.c             int type;
type              392 load.c         	type = rb ? 'r' : 's';
type              397 load.c         	type = 0;
type              449 load.c         		if (!(p = loaded_feature_path(f, n, feature, len, type, load_path)))
type              474 load.c         	fs.type = type;
type              848 load.c             int type, ft = 0;
type              910 load.c             type = rb_find_file_ext_safe(&tmp, loadable_ext, safe_level);
type              911 load.c             switch (type) {
type              926 load.c         	if (rb_feature_p(ftptr, ext, !--type, TRUE, &loading) && !loading)
type              930 load.c             return type ? 's' : 'r';
type              227 marshal.c      		 type, path);
type              231 marshal.c      		 type, path);
type              522 marshal.c          w_byte(type, arg);
type             1356 marshal.c          int type, ivar = 0;
type             1359 marshal.c          switch ((type = r_byte(arg))) {
type             1361 marshal.c      	rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "dump format error for symbol(0x%x)", type);
type             1545 marshal.c      		 "can't override instance variable of "type" `%"PRIsVALUE"'", \
type             1553 marshal.c          int type = r_byte(arg);
type             1557 marshal.c          switch (type) {
type             1769 marshal.c      	    if (type == TYPE_HASH_DEF) {
type             1957 marshal.c      	rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "dump format error(0x%x)", type);
type              148 method.h           rb_method_type_t type :  8; /* method type */
type              171 method.h       #define UNDEFINED_METHOD_ENTRY_P(me) (!(me) || !(me)->def || (me)->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_UNDEF)
type              173 method.h           ((def)->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED && \
type             2504 numeric.c          rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "float %s out of range of "type, \
type               71 object.c           RBASIC(obj)->flags = type;
type             1902 object.c           id_for_setter(obj, name, type, "`%1$s' is not allowed as "#part" "#type" variable name")
type             1904 object.c           check_setter_id(obj, &(name), rb_is_##type##_id, rb_is_##type##_name, message, strlen(message))
type             2591 object.c           if (TYPE(val) == type) return val;
type             2593 object.c           if (TYPE(v) != type) {
type             2605 object.c           if (TYPE(val) == type && type != T_DATA) return val;
type             2608 object.c           if (TYPE(v) != type) {
type             2908 object.c       	int type = BUILTIN_TYPE(val);
type             2909 object.c       	switch (type) {
type               66 pack.c         # define NATINT_LEN(type,len) (natint?(int)sizeof(type):(int)(len))
type               68 pack.c         # define NATINT_LEN(type,len) ((int)sizeof(type))
type              361 pack.c             char type;
type              387 pack.c         	type = *p++;		/* get data type */
type              392 pack.c         	if (ISSPACE(type)) continue;
type              393 pack.c         	if (type == '#') {
type              405 pack.c         		if (strchr(natstr, type)) {
type              418 pack.c         		if (!strchr(endstr, type)) {
type              430 pack.c         	    len = strchr("@Xxu", type) ? 0
type              431 pack.c                         : strchr("PMm", type) ? 1
type              446 pack.c         	switch (type) {
type              459 pack.c         	switch (type) {
type              478 pack.c         	    switch (type) {
type              484 pack.c         		    if (p[-1] == '*' && type == 'Z')
type              491 pack.c         			rb_str_buf_cat(res, (type == 'A')?spc10:nul10, 10);
type              494 pack.c         		    rb_str_buf_cat(res, (type == 'A')?spc10:nul10, len);
type              840 pack.c         	    if (len == 0 && type == 'm') {
type              841 pack.c         		encodes(res, ptr, plen, type, 0);
type              847 pack.c         	    else if (len > 63 && type == 'u')
type              858 pack.c         		encodes(res, ptr, todo, type, 1);
type              935 pack.c         	    if (ISPRINT(type)) {
type              936 pack.c         		unknown[0] = type;
type              940 pack.c         		snprintf(unknown, sizeof(unknown), "\\x%.2x", type & 0xff);
type              978 pack.c             const char *const trans = type == 'u' ? uu_table : b64_table;
type              982 pack.c             if (type == 'u') {
type             1240 pack.c             char type;
type             1269 pack.c         	type = *p++;
type             1274 pack.c         	if (ISSPACE(type)) continue;
type             1275 pack.c         	if (type == '#') {
type             1289 pack.c         		if (strchr(natstr, type)) {
type             1302 pack.c         		if (!strchr(endstr, type)) {
type             1328 pack.c         	    len = (type != '@');
type             1331 pack.c         	switch (type) {
type             1938 pack.c         		type, RSTRING_PTR(fmt));
type              459 parse.c        #define rb_node_newnode(type, a1, a2, a3) node_newnode(parser, (type), (a1), (a2), (a3))
type              467 parse.c        #define logop(type,node1,node2) logop_gen(parser, (type), (node1), (node2))
type              541 parse.c        #define new_attr_op_assign(lhs, type, attr, op, rhs) new_attr_op_assign_gen(parser, (lhs), (type), (attr), (op), (rhs))
type              606 parse.c        #define new_attr_op_assign(lhs, type, attr, op, rhs) new_attr_op_assign_gen(parser, (lhs), (type), (attr), (op), (rhs))
type             12352 parse.c        		enum node_type type = nd_type(str_node);
type             12353 parse.c        		if (type == NODE_STR || type == NODE_DSTR) break;
type             12447 parse.c        	type = tIMAGINARY;
type             12450 parse.c            return type;
type             12456 parse.c            int type = tINTEGER;
type             12459 parse.c        	type = tRATIONAL;
type             12461 parse.c            return set_number_literal(v, type, suffix);
type             13269 parse.c        	int type = tFLOAT;
type             13274 parse.c        	    type = tRATIONAL;
type             13285 parse.c        	return set_number_literal(v, type, suffix);
type             14456 parse.c            NODE *n = (rb_node_newnode)(type, a0, a1, a2);
type             15500 parse.c        	enum node_type type;
type             15507 parse.c        	switch (type = nd_type(head)) {
type             15511 parse.c        			       type == NODE_DOT3);
type             15528 parse.c            enum node_type type;
type             15532 parse.c            type = nd_type(node);
type             15534 parse.c            if (type == NODE_LIT && FIXNUM_P(node->nd_lit)) {
type             15638 parse.c            if (left && (enum node_type)nd_type(left) == type) {
type             15640 parse.c        	while ((second = node->nd_2nd) != 0 && (enum node_type)nd_type(second) == type) {
type             15643 parse.c        	node->nd_2nd = NEW_NODE(type, second, right, 0);
type             15646 parse.c            return NEW_NODE(type, left, right, 0);
type             15685 parse.c            int type = TYPE(lit);
type             15686 parse.c            switch (type) {
type             15711 parse.c        	rb_bug("unknown literal type (%d) passed to negate_lit", type);
type             15980 parse.c            VALUE recv = dispatch3(field, lhs, type, attr);
type              405 parse.y        #define rb_node_newnode(type, a1, a2, a3) node_newnode(parser, (type), (a1), (a2), (a3))
type              413 parse.y        #define logop(type,node1,node2) logop_gen(parser, (type), (node1), (node2))
type              487 parse.y        #define new_attr_op_assign(lhs, type, attr, op, rhs) new_attr_op_assign_gen(parser, (lhs), (type), (attr), (op), (rhs))
type              552 parse.y        #define new_attr_op_assign(lhs, type, attr, op, rhs) new_attr_op_assign_gen(parser, (lhs), (type), (attr), (op), (rhs))
type             6679 parse.y        		enum node_type type = nd_type(str_node);
type             6680 parse.y        		if (type == NODE_STR || type == NODE_DSTR) break;
type             6774 parse.y        	type = tIMAGINARY;
type             6777 parse.y            return type;
type             6783 parse.y            int type = tINTEGER;
type             6786 parse.y        	type = tRATIONAL;
type             6788 parse.y            return set_number_literal(v, type, suffix);
type             7596 parse.y        	int type = tFLOAT;
type             7601 parse.y        	    type = tRATIONAL;
type             7612 parse.y        	return set_number_literal(v, type, suffix);
type             8783 parse.y            NODE *n = (rb_node_newnode)(type, a0, a1, a2);
type             9827 parse.y        	enum node_type type;
type             9834 parse.y        	switch (type = nd_type(head)) {
type             9838 parse.y        			       type == NODE_DOT3);
type             9855 parse.y            enum node_type type;
type             9859 parse.y            type = nd_type(node);
type             9861 parse.y            if (type == NODE_LIT && FIXNUM_P(node->nd_lit)) {
type             9965 parse.y            if (left && (enum node_type)nd_type(left) == type) {
type             9967 parse.y        	while ((second = node->nd_2nd) != 0 && (enum node_type)nd_type(second) == type) {
type             9970 parse.y        	node->nd_2nd = NEW_NODE(type, second, right, 0);
type             9973 parse.y            return NEW_NODE(type, left, right, 0);
type             10012 parse.y            int type = TYPE(lit);
type             10013 parse.y            switch (type) {
type             10038 parse.y        	rb_bug("unknown literal type (%d) passed to negate_lit", type);
type             10307 parse.y            VALUE recv = dispatch3(field, lhs, type, attr);
type             1264 proc.c             def->type = VM_METHOD_TYPE_MISSING;
type             1300 proc.c             if (me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_ZSUPER) {
type             2170 proc.c             switch (def->type) {
type             2215 proc.c             rb_bug("rb_method_entry_min_max_arity: invalid method entry type (%d)", def->type);
type             2282 proc.c         	if (def->type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_ZSUPER) break;
type             2324 proc.c             switch (def->type) {
type             2357 proc.c             switch (def->type) {
type             2371 proc.c             if (def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_ATTRSET || def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_IVAR) {
type             2470 proc.c             if (data->me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_ALIAS) {
type             2513 proc.c             if (data->me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_NOTIMPLEMENTED) {
type             1223 regcomp.c        if (node->type == ENCLOSE_OPTION)
type             1233 regcomp.c        switch (node->type) {
type             1308 regcomp.c        if (node->type == ENCLOSE_OPTION)
type             1311 regcomp.c        switch (node->type) {
type             1448 regcomp.c        switch (node->type) {
type             1475 regcomp.c        switch (node->type) {
type             1573 regcomp.c        int len, type, r;
type             1575 regcomp.c        type = NTYPE(node);
type             1576 regcomp.c        switch (type) {
type             1668 regcomp.c        int n, type, len, pos, r = 0;
type             1670 regcomp.c        type = NTYPE(node);
type             1671 regcomp.c        switch (type) {
type             1868 regcomp.c            if (en->type == ENCLOSE_MEMORY) {
type             1890 regcomp.c            switch (an->type) {
type             1954 regcomp.c            if (en->type == ENCLOSE_CONDITION)
type             1967 regcomp.c            switch (an->type) {
type             2117 regcomp.c            switch (en->type) {
type             2240 regcomp.c            switch (en->type) {
type             2358 regcomp.c            switch (en->type) {
type             2481 regcomp.c            switch (en->type) {
type             2775 regcomp.c            switch (en->type) {
type             2796 regcomp.c          if (NANCHOR(node)->type == ANCHOR_PREC_READ)
type             2810 regcomp.c        int type, r = 0;
type             2812 regcomp.c        type = NTYPE(node);
type             2813 regcomp.c        if ((NTYPE2BIT(type) & type_mask) == 0)
type             2816 regcomp.c        switch (type) {
type             2833 regcomp.c            if ((en->type & enclose_mask) == 0)
type             2841 regcomp.c          type = NANCHOR(node)->type;
type             2842 regcomp.c          if ((type & anchor_mask) == 0)
type             2864 regcomp.c        int type;
type             2867 regcomp.c        type = NTYPE(node);
type             2868 regcomp.c        switch (type) {
type             2911 regcomp.c            switch (an->type) {
type             2948 regcomp.c        int type;
type             2951 regcomp.c        type = NTYPE(node);
type             2952 regcomp.c        switch (type) {
type             2967 regcomp.c            switch (an->type) {
type             3020 regcomp.c            switch (an->type) {
type             3061 regcomp.c        int type;
type             3064 regcomp.c        type = NTYPE(node);
type             3065 regcomp.c        switch (type) {
type             3089 regcomp.c            switch (an->type) {
type             3128 regcomp.c        int type;
type             3131 regcomp.c        type = NTYPE(node);
type             3132 regcomp.c        switch (type) {
type             3221 regcomp.c            switch (an->type) {
type             3249 regcomp.c        int anc_type = an->type;
type             3298 regcomp.c        int type;
type             3301 regcomp.c        type = NTYPE(node);
type             3302 regcomp.c        if (type == NT_QTFR) {
type             3353 regcomp.c        else if (type == NT_ENCLOSE) {
type             3356 regcomp.c          if (en->type == ENCLOSE_MEMORY) {
type             3725 regcomp.c        int type;
type             3728 regcomp.c        type = NTYPE(node);
type             3729 regcomp.c        switch (type) {
type             3767 regcomp.c      	      if (en->type == ENCLOSE_MEMORY) {
type             3819 regcomp.c            switch (en->type) {
type             3870 regcomp.c        int type;
type             3876 regcomp.c        type = NTYPE(node);
type             3877 regcomp.c        switch (type) {
type             4050 regcomp.c            switch (en->type) {
type             4104 regcomp.c            switch (an->type) {
type             4931 regcomp.c        int type;
type             4937 regcomp.c        type = NTYPE(node);
type             4938 regcomp.c        switch (type) {
type             5086 regcomp.c          switch (NANCHOR(node)->type) {
type             5095 regcomp.c            add_opt_anc_info(&opt->anc, NANCHOR(node)->type);
type             5222 regcomp.c            switch (en->type) {
type             6579 regcomp.c        int i, type, container_p = 0;
type             6589 regcomp.c        type = NTYPE(node);
type             6590 regcomp.c        switch (type) {
type             6600 regcomp.c            if (NTYPE(node) != type) {
type             6654 regcomp.c          switch (NANCHOR(node)->type) {
type             6713 regcomp.c          switch (NENCLOSE(node)->type) {
type             6739 regcomp.c        if (type != NT_LIST && type != NT_ALT && type != NT_QTFR &&
type             6740 regcomp.c            type != NT_ENCLOSE)
type              583 regexec.c        stk->type = (stack_type);\
type              587 regexec.c      #define IS_TO_VOID_TARGET(stk) (((stk)->type & STK_MASK_TO_VOID_TARGET) != 0)
type              602 regexec.c        else if ((stk)->type == STK_STATE_CHECK_MARK) { \
type              609 regexec.c        stk->type = (stack_type);\
type              619 regexec.c        stk->type = (stack_type);\
type              627 regexec.c        stk->type = STK_ALT;\
type              639 regexec.c          stk->type = STK_STATE_CHECK_MARK;\
type              652 regexec.c        stk->type = (stack_type);\
type              661 regexec.c        stk->type = (stack_type);\
type              676 regexec.c        stk->type = STK_REPEAT;\
type              685 regexec.c        stk->type = STK_REPEAT_INC;\
type              692 regexec.c        stk->type = STK_MEM_START;\
type              704 regexec.c        stk->type = STK_MEM_END;\
type              715 regexec.c        stk->type = STK_MEM_END_MARK;\
type              725 regexec.c          if ((k->type & STK_MASK_MEM_END_OR_MARK) != 0 \
type              729 regexec.c          else if (k->type == STK_MEM_START && k->u.mem.num == (mnum)) {\
type              739 regexec.c          if (k->type == STK_MEM_START && k->u.mem.num == (mnum)) {\
type              743 regexec.c          else if (k->type == STK_MEM_END && k->u.mem.num == (mnum)) {\
type              756 regexec.c        stk->type = STK_NULL_CHECK_START;\
type              764 regexec.c        stk->type = STK_NULL_CHECK_END;\
type              771 regexec.c        stk->type = STK_CALL_FRAME;\
type              778 regexec.c        stk->type = STK_RETURN;\
type              804 regexec.c            if ((stk->type & STK_MASK_POP_USED) != 0)  break;\
type              812 regexec.c            if ((stk->type & STK_MASK_POP_USED) != 0)  break;\
type              813 regexec.c            else if (stk->type == STK_MEM_START) {\
type              824 regexec.c            if ((stk->type & STK_MASK_POP_USED) != 0)  break;\
type              825 regexec.c            else if (stk->type == STK_MEM_START) {\
type              829 regexec.c            else if (stk->type == STK_REPEAT_INC) {\
type              832 regexec.c            else if (stk->type == STK_MEM_END) {\
type              846 regexec.c          if (stk->type == STK_POS_NOT) break;\
type              847 regexec.c          else if (stk->type == STK_MEM_START) {\
type              851 regexec.c          else if (stk->type == STK_REPEAT_INC) {\
type              854 regexec.c          else if (stk->type == STK_MEM_END) {\
type              866 regexec.c          if (stk->type == STK_LOOK_BEHIND_NOT) break;\
type              867 regexec.c          else if (stk->type == STK_MEM_START) {\
type              871 regexec.c          else if (stk->type == STK_REPEAT_INC) {\
type              874 regexec.c          else if (stk->type == STK_MEM_END) {\
type              888 regexec.c            k->type = STK_VOID;\
type              890 regexec.c          else if (k->type == STK_POS) {\
type              891 regexec.c            k->type = STK_VOID;\
type              903 regexec.c            k->type = STK_VOID;\
type              905 regexec.c          else if (k->type == STK_STOP_BT) {\
type              906 regexec.c            k->type = STK_VOID;\
type              917 regexec.c          if (k->type == STK_NULL_CHECK_START) {\
type              932 regexec.c          if (k->type == STK_NULL_CHECK_START) {\
type              941 regexec.c          else if (k->type == STK_NULL_CHECK_END) {\
type              952 regexec.c          if (k->type == STK_NULL_CHECK_START) {\
type              962 regexec.c                  if (k->type == STK_MEM_START) {\
type              992 regexec.c          if (k->type == STK_NULL_CHECK_START) {\
type             1003 regexec.c                    if (k->type == STK_MEM_START) {\
type             1028 regexec.c          else if (k->type == STK_NULL_CHECK_END) {\
type             1040 regexec.c          if (k->type == STK_REPEAT) {\
type             1047 regexec.c          else if (k->type == STK_CALL_FRAME) level--;\
type             1048 regexec.c          else if (k->type == STK_RETURN)     level++;\
type             1058 regexec.c          if (k->type == STK_CALL_FRAME) {\
type             1065 regexec.c          else if (k->type == STK_RETURN)\
type             1150 regexec.c          if (k->type == STK_MEM_START) {
type             1171 regexec.c          else if (k->type == STK_MEM_END) {
type             1211 regexec.c          if (k->type == STK_CALL_FRAME) {
type             1214 regexec.c          else if (k->type == STK_RETURN) {
type             1218 regexec.c            if (k->type == STK_MEM_START) {
type             1242 regexec.c            else if (k->type == STK_MEM_END) {
type             3079 regexec.c              stk->type = STK_STATE_CHECK_MARK;
type              354 regint.h         val  = *(type* )p;\
type              355 regint.h         (p) += sizeof(type);\
type              361 regint.h         xmemcpy(&val, (p), sizeof(type));\
type              362 regint.h         (p) += sizeof(type);\
type              844 regint.h         int type;
type              859 regint.h         unsigned int type;
type             1272 regparse.c       NCTYPE(node)->ctype = type;
type             1343 regparse.c       NANCHOR(node)->type     = type;
type             1451 regparse.c       NENCLOSE(node)->type      = type;
type             1464 regparse.c       return node_new_enclose(type);
type             2397 regparse.c       enum TokenSyms type;
type             2516 regparse.c       tok->type = TK_INTERVAL;
type             3080 regparse.c         tok->type = TK_EOT;
type             3081 regparse.c         return tok->type;
type             3085 regparse.c       tok->type = TK_CHAR;
type             3091 regparse.c         tok->type = TK_CC_CLOSE;
type             3094 regparse.c         tok->type = TK_CC_RANGE;
type             3107 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CHAR_TYPE;
type             3112 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CHAR_TYPE;
type             3117 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CHAR_TYPE;
type             3122 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CHAR_TYPE;
type             3127 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CHAR_TYPE;
type             3132 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CHAR_TYPE;
type             3138 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CHAR_TYPE;
type             3144 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CHAR_TYPE;
type             3155 regparse.c     	tok->type = TK_CHAR_PROPERTY;
type             3188 regparse.c     	  tok->type   = TK_CODE_POINT;
type             3203 regparse.c     	tok->type = TK_RAW_BYTE;
type             3220 regparse.c     	tok->type   = TK_CODE_POINT;
type             3236 regparse.c     	tok->type = TK_RAW_BYTE;
type             3248 regparse.c     	tok->type   = TK_CODE_POINT;
type             3260 regparse.c     	tok->type = TK_POSIX_BRACKET_OPEN;
type             3270 regparse.c     	tok->type = TK_CC_CC_OPEN;
type             3281 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CC_AND;
type             3287 regparse.c       return tok->type;
type             3328 regparse.c         tok->type = TK_BACKREF;
type             3349 regparse.c         tok->type = TK_BACKREF;
type             3378 regparse.c         tok->type = TK_EOT;
type             3379 regparse.c         return tok->type;
type             3382 regparse.c       tok->type  = TK_STRING;
type             3398 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_OP_REPEAT;
type             3406 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_OP_REPEAT;
type             3414 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_OP_REPEAT;
type             3428 regparse.c     	      tok->type != TK_INTERVAL)  ||
type             3430 regparse.c     	      tok->type == TK_INTERVAL))) {
type             3458 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_ALT;
type             3463 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_SUBEXP_OPEN;
type             3468 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_SUBEXP_CLOSE;
type             3473 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CHAR_TYPE;
type             3480 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CHAR_TYPE;
type             3487 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_ANCHOR;
type             3495 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_ANCHOR;
type             3504 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_ANCHOR;
type             3511 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_ANCHOR;
type             3519 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CHAR_TYPE;
type             3526 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CHAR_TYPE;
type             3533 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CHAR_TYPE;
type             3540 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CHAR_TYPE;
type             3547 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CHAR_TYPE;
type             3554 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CHAR_TYPE;
type             3562 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_ANCHOR;
type             3568 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_ANCHOR;
type             3575 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_ANCHOR;
type             3581 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_ANCHOR;
type             3610 regparse.c     	  tok->type   = TK_CODE_POINT;
type             3624 regparse.c     	tok->type = TK_RAW_BYTE;
type             3641 regparse.c     	tok->type   = TK_CODE_POINT;
type             3663 regparse.c     	tok->type = TK_BACKREF;
type             3690 regparse.c     	tok->type = TK_RAW_BYTE;
type             3755 regparse.c     	  tok->type = TK_CALL;
type             3772 regparse.c     	tok->type = TK_QUOTE_OPEN;
type             3781 regparse.c     	tok->type = TK_CHAR_PROPERTY;
type             3800 regparse.c     	tok->type = TK_LINEBREAK;
type             3806 regparse.c     	tok->type = TK_EXTENDED_GRAPHEME_CLUSTER;
type             3812 regparse.c     	tok->type = TK_KEEP;
type             3822 regparse.c     	tok->type = TK_CODE_POINT;
type             3847 regparse.c     	tok->type = TK_ANYCHAR_ANYTIME;
type             3859 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_ANYCHAR;
type             3867 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_OP_REPEAT;
type             3878 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_OP_REPEAT;
type             3889 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_OP_REPEAT;
type             3911 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_ALT;
type             3960 regparse.c     	  tok->type = TK_CALL;
type             3984 regparse.c     	    tok->type = TK_CALL;
type             4013 regparse.c     	    tok->type = TK_CALL;
type             4027 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_SUBEXP_OPEN;
type             4032 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_SUBEXP_CLOSE;
type             4037 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_ANCHOR;
type             4044 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_ANCHOR;
type             4051 regparse.c           tok->type = TK_CC_OPEN;
type             4086 regparse.c       return tok->type;
type             4452 regparse.c       if (*state == CCS_VALUE && *type != CCV_CLASS) {
type             4453 regparse.c         if (*type == CCV_SB) {
type             4458 regparse.c         else if (*type == CCV_CODE_POINT) {
type             4469 regparse.c       *type  = CCV_CLASS;
type             4484 regparse.c         if (*type == CCV_SB) {
type             4489 regparse.c         else if (*type == CCV_CODE_POINT) {
type             4500 regparse.c         if (intype == *type) {
type             4526 regparse.c           if (intype == CCV_CODE_POINT && *type == CCV_SB) {
type             4563 regparse.c       *type     = intype;
type             4625 regparse.c         r = tok->type = TK_CHAR;  /* allow []...] */
type             4903 regparse.c           r = tok->type;
type             5363 regparse.c         if (NENCLOSE(*np)->type == ENCLOSE_MEMORY) {
type             5368 regparse.c         else if (NENCLOSE(*np)->type == ENCLOSE_CONDITION) {
type             5494 regparse.c       int type;
type             5499 regparse.c       if (x->type != y->type) return 1;
type             5517 regparse.c       p = (UChar* )(&key->type);
type             5518 regparse.c       for (i = 0; i < (int )sizeof(key->type); i++) {
type             5936 regparse.c       if (tok->type == (enum TokenSyms )term)
type             5939 regparse.c       switch (tok->type) {
type             5944 regparse.c         return tok->type;
type             5965 regparse.c           return tok->type;
type             6125 regparse.c                 key.type = tok->u.prop.ctype;
type             6427 regparse.c         if (tok->type != (enum TokenSyms )term)
type               51 regparse.h     #define NTYPE2BIT(type)      (1<<(type))
type               66 regparse.h       ((NTYPE2BIT(type) & (BIT_NT_STR | BIT_NT_CCLASS | BIT_NT_CTYPE |\
type               69 regparse.h     #define NTYPE(node)             ((node)->u.base.type)
type               73 regparse.h     	memcpy(&((node)->u.base.type), &value, sizeof(int)); \
type              197 regparse.h       int type;
type              245 regparse.h       int type;
type              883 ruby.c         		 "%s already set to %"PRIsVALUE, type, *name);
type             1208 ruby.c         			set_##type##_encoding_once(opt, s, 0); \
type             1212 ruby.c         			set_##type##_encoding_once(opt, s, p-s); \
type               89 st.c           #define EQUAL(table,x,ent) ((x)==(ent)->key || (*(table)->type->compare)((x),(ent)->key) == 0)
type               91 st.c           #define do_hash(key,table) (st_index_t)(*(table)->type->hash)((key))
type              225 st.c               tbl->type = type;
type              245 st.c               return st_init_table_with_size(type, 0);
type              331 st.c               if (type == &type_numhash) {
type              334 st.c               else if (type == &type_strhash) {
type              337 st.c               else if (type == &type_strcasehash) {
type              341 st.c           #define COLLISION (collision_check ? count_collision(table->type) : (void)0)
type              209 symbol.c           int type = ID_JUNK;
type              218 symbol.c       	type = ID_GLOBAL;
type              219 symbol.c       	if (is_special_global_name(++m, e, enc)) return type;
type              223 symbol.c       	type = ID_INSTANCE;
type              226 symbol.c       	    type = ID_CLASS;
type              281 symbol.c       	type = ISUPPER(*m) ? ID_CONST : ID_LOCAL;
type              285 symbol.c       		type = rb_enc_symname_type(name, len-1, enc, allowed_attrset);
type              286 symbol.c       		if (type != ID_ATTRSET) return ID_ATTRSET;
type              294 symbol.c       	    if (type == ID_GLOBAL || type == ID_CLASS || type == ID_INSTANCE) return -1;
type              295 symbol.c       	    type = ID_JUNK;
type              300 symbol.c       	    if (!(allowed_attrset & (1U << type))) return -1;
type              301 symbol.c       	    type = ID_ATTRSET;
type              307 symbol.c           return m == e ? type : -1;
type              321 symbol.c           int type = rb_enc_symname_type(ptr, len, rb_enc_get(name), allowed_attrset);
type              323 symbol.c           return type;
type              478 symbol.c           RSYMBOL(dsym)->id = type;
type              497 symbol.c       	const ID type = RSYMBOL(sym)->id & ID_SCOPE_MASK;
type              501 symbol.c       	return dsymbol_alloc(rb_cSymbol, fstr, rb_enc_get(fstr), type);
type              665 symbol.c           int type;
type              688 symbol.c           type = rb_str_symname_type(str, IDSET_ATTRSET_FOR_INTERN);
type              689 symbol.c           if (type < 0) type = ID_JUNK;
type              690 symbol.c           return dsymbol_alloc(rb_cSymbol, str, enc, type);
type             1690 variable.c         id_for_var_message(obj, name, type, "`%1$s' is not allowed as "#part" "#type" variable name")
type             1692 variable.c         check_id_type(obj, &(name), rb_is_##type##_id, rb_is_##type##_name, message, strlen(message))
type               20 version.c      #define PRINT(type) puts(ruby_##type)
type               21 version.c      #define MKSTR(type) rb_obj_freeze(rb_usascii_str_new_static(ruby_##type, sizeof(ruby_##type)-1))
type              244 vm.c               enum ruby_value_type type;
type              257 vm.c               type = BUILTIN_TYPE(klass);
type              258 vm.c               if (type == T_CLASS || type == T_ICLASS || type == T_MODULE) {
type              348 vm.c               if (iseq->body->type != ISEQ_TYPE_TOP) {
type              916 vm.c               vm_push_frame(th, iseq, type | VM_FRAME_FLAG_FINISH, self,
type              936 vm.c               vm_push_frame(th, iseq, type | VM_FRAME_FLAG_FINISH | VM_FRAME_FLAG_BMETHOD, self,
type              962 vm.c           	int type = block_proc_is_lambda(block->proc) ? VM_FRAME_MAGIC_LAMBDA : VM_FRAME_MAGIC_BLOCK;
type              970 vm.c           				     (type == VM_FRAME_MAGIC_LAMBDA ? (splattable ? arg_setup_lambda : arg_setup_method) : arg_setup_block));
type              973 vm.c           	    return invoke_block(th, iseq, self, block, cref, type, opt_pc);
type              976 vm.c           	    return invoke_bmethod(th, iseq, self, block, type, opt_pc);
type             1412 vm.c               if (me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC) {
type             1445 vm.c               if (me && me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC) {
type             1667 vm.c           	VALUE type;
type             1706 vm.c           				if (entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_ENSURE) {
type             1743 vm.c           		    if (entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_RESCUE ||
type             1744 vm.c           			entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_ENSURE) {
type             1759 vm.c           		    if (entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_ENSURE) {
type             1765 vm.c           		    else if (entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_RETRY) {
type             1778 vm.c           	    type = CATCH_TYPE_BREAK;
type             1786 vm.c           		    if (entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_ENSURE) {
type             1792 vm.c           		    else if (entry->type == type) {
type             1811 vm.c           	    type = CATCH_TYPE_REDO;
type             1815 vm.c           	    type = CATCH_TYPE_NEXT;
type             1824 vm.c           		    if (entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_ENSURE) {
type               55 vm_backtrace.c     } type;
type               87 vm_backtrace.c     switch (fi->type) {
type              123 vm_backtrace.c     switch (loc->type) {
type              125 vm_backtrace.c 	loc->type = LOCATION_TYPE_ISEQ_CALCED;
type              157 vm_backtrace.c     switch (loc->type) {
type              206 vm_backtrace.c     switch (loc->type) {
type              233 vm_backtrace.c     switch (loc->type) {
type              266 vm_backtrace.c     switch (loc->type) {
type              316 vm_backtrace.c     switch (loc->type) {
type              322 vm_backtrace.c 	loc->type = LOCATION_TYPE_ISEQ_CALCED;
type              499 vm_backtrace.c     loc->type = LOCATION_TYPE_ISEQ;
type              510 vm_backtrace.c     loc->type = LOCATION_TYPE_CFUNC;
type             1262 vm_backtrace.c 	    if (cme && cme->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_ISEQ) {
type             1291 vm_backtrace.c 		switch (cme->def->type) {
type              254 vm_core.h      #define CoreDataFromValue(obj, type) (type*)DATA_PTR(obj)
type              256 vm_core.h      #define CoreDataFromValue(obj, type) (type*)rb_data_object_get(obj)
type              258 vm_core.h      #define GetCoreDataFromValue(obj, type, ptr) ((ptr) = CoreDataFromValue((obj), type))
type              279 vm_core.h          } type;              /* instruction sequence type */
type              244 vm_dump.c          if (cfp->iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_METHOD) {
type             1027 vm_dump.c      		const char *const type = RB_TYPE_P(name, T_CLASS) ?
type             1031 vm_dump.c      		    fprintf(stderr, " %4d %s:<unnamed>\n", i, type);
type             1034 vm_dump.c      		fprintf(stderr, " %4d %s:%.*s\n", i, type,
type              167 vm_eval.c          switch (cc->me->def->type) {
type              202 vm_eval.c      	    const rb_method_type_t type = cc->me->def->type;
type              205 vm_eval.c      	    if (type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED && cc->me->def->body.refined.orig_me) {
type              213 vm_eval.c      		enum method_missing_reason ex = (type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_ZSUPER) ? MISSING_SUPER : 0;
type              248 vm_eval.c          rb_bug("vm_call0: unsupported method type (%d)", cc->me->def->type);
type              495 vm_eval.c          switch (type) {
type              547 vm_eval.c                  int type = BUILTIN_TYPE(recv);
type              548 vm_eval.c                  const char *typestr = rb_type_str(type);
type              549 vm_eval.c                  if (typestr && T_OBJECT <= type && type < T_NIL)
type              563 vm_eval.c                               rb_id2str(mid), type, (void *)recv, flags);
type              580 vm_eval.c          if (me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED) {
type               19 vm_exec.c      #define DECL_SC_REG(type, r, reg) register type reg_##r
type               22 vm_exec.c      #define DECL_SC_REG(type, r, reg) register type reg_##r __asm__("r" reg)
type               25 vm_exec.c      #define DECL_SC_REG(type, r, reg) register type reg_##r __asm__("e" reg)
type               28 vm_exec.c      #define DECL_SC_REG(type, r, reg) register type reg_##r __asm__("r" reg)
type               31 vm_exec.c      #define DECL_SC_REG(type, r, reg) register type reg_##r
type               75 vm_insnhelper.c     int magic = (int)(type & VM_FRAME_MAGIC_MASK);
type               81 vm_insnhelper.c     if (type & VM_FRAME_FLAG_BMETHOD) {
type              127 vm_insnhelper.c     int magic = (int)(type & VM_FRAME_MAGIC_MASK);
type              129 vm_insnhelper.c #define CHECK(magic, req_block, req_me, req_cref) case magic: vm_check_frame_detail(type, req_block, req_me, req_cref, specval, cref_or_me); break;
type              167 vm_insnhelper.c     vm_check_frame(type, specval, cref_or_me);
type              178 vm_insnhelper.c     cfp->flag = type;
type              346 vm_insnhelper.c     if (type == 0) {
type              352 vm_insnhelper.c 	if (type & 0x01) {
type              353 vm_insnhelper.c 	    switch (type >> 1) {
type              371 vm_insnhelper.c 	    val = rb_reg_nth_match((int)(type >> 1), backref);
type              421 vm_insnhelper.c     switch (me->def->type) {
type              924 vm_insnhelper.c 	while (base_iseq->body->type != ISEQ_TYPE_BLOCK) {
type              925 vm_insnhelper.c 	    if (escape_cfp->iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_CLASS) {
type              957 vm_insnhelper.c 			if (entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_BREAK && entry->start < epc && entry->end >= epc) {
type             1000 vm_insnhelper.c 		escape_cfp->iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_CLASS) {
type             1025 vm_insnhelper.c 	    if (escape_cfp->ep == target_lep && escape_cfp->iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_METHOD) {
type             1147 vm_insnhelper.c     if (me && me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC &&
type             1219 vm_insnhelper.c     switch (type) {
type             1283 vm_insnhelper.c     if (cfp->iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_METHOD) {
type             1322 vm_insnhelper.c     if (def->type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_ISEQ) rb_bug("def_iseq_ptr: not iseq (%d)", def->type);
type             1595 vm_insnhelper.c     switch (me->def->type) {
type             1612 vm_insnhelper.c 	rb_bug("wrong method type: %d", me->def->type);
type             1938 vm_insnhelper.c     if (cfp->iseq && cfp->iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_BLOCK) {
type             2020 vm_insnhelper.c     switch (cc->me->def->type) {
type             2099 vm_insnhelper.c 	      if (ref_me->def->type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED) {
type             2123 vm_insnhelper.c     rb_bug("vm_call_method: unsupported method type (%d)", cc->me->def->type);
type             2256 vm_insnhelper.c     if (me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_BMETHOD && !sigval) {
type             2439 vm_insnhelper.c     VALUE type = GET_ISEQ()->body->local_iseq->body->type;
type             2441 vm_insnhelper.c     if ((type != ISEQ_TYPE_METHOD && type != ISEQ_TYPE_CLASS) || block == 0) {
type             2545 vm_insnhelper.c     enum defined_type type = (enum defined_type)op_type;
type             2547 vm_insnhelper.c     switch (type) {
type              237 vm_method.c    	switch (def->type) {
type              316 vm_method.c        switch(def->type) {
type              350 vm_method.c        def->type = type;
type              437 vm_method.c        if (me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED) {
type              505 vm_method.c    	type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_NOTIMPLEMENTED &&
type              506 vm_method.c    	type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_ZSUPER) {
type              523 vm_method.c        if (type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED) {
type              540 vm_method.c    	if (old_def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED) make_refined = 1;
type              543 vm_method.c    	    type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_UNDEF &&
type              545 vm_method.c    	    old_def->type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_UNDEF &&
type              546 vm_method.c    	    old_def->type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_ZSUPER &&
type              547 vm_method.c    	    old_def->type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_ALIAS) {
type              551 vm_method.c    	    switch (old_def->type) {
type              572 vm_method.c        if (def == NULL) def = method_definition_create(type, original_id);
type              583 vm_method.c    	if (type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_ISEQ && search_method(klass, mid, 0)) {
type              627 vm_method.c        rb_method_entry_t *me = rb_method_entry_make(klass, mid, klass, visi, type, NULL, mid, opts);
type              629 vm_method.c        if (type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_UNDEF && type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED) {
type              654 vm_method.c    						    me->def->type, method_definition_addref(me->def), 0, NULL);
type              841 vm_method.c    	if (me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED) {
type              908 vm_method.c        if (me && me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED) {
type              919 vm_method.c    	    if (tmp_me && tmp_me->def->type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED) {
type              967 vm_method.c    	(!me->def || me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_UNDEF) ||
type              978 vm_method.c        if (me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED) {
type             1046 vm_method.c    	    if (me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED && me->def->body.refined.orig_me) {
type             1072 vm_method.c    	if (me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_NOTIMPLEMENTED) {
type             1420 vm_method.c    	switch (def->type) {
type             1445 vm_method.c        if (d1->type != d2->type) return 0;
type             1447 vm_method.c        switch (d1->type) {
type             1471 vm_method.c        rb_bug("rb_method_definition_eq: unsupported type: %d\n", d1->type);
type             1477 vm_method.c        hash = rb_hash_uint(hash, def->type);
type             1482 vm_method.c        switch (def->type) {
type             1505 vm_method.c    	rb_bug("rb_hash_method_definition: unsupported method type (%d)\n", def->type);
type             1530 vm_method.c        if (orig_me && orig_me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED) {
type             1543 vm_method.c        if (orig_me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_ZSUPER) {
type             1845 vm_method.c    	    if (me->def->type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_ZSUPER) {
type              503 win32/win32.c      if (!get_special_folder(type, path, numberof(path))) return Qnil;
type             3658 win32/win32.c  			(type != proto_buffers[i].iSocketType) ||
type             3665 win32/win32.c  		    out = WSASocket(af, type, protocol, &(proto_buffers[i]), 0,
type             3670 win32/win32.c  		    out = WSASocket(af, type, protocol, NULL, 0, 0);
type             3695 win32/win32.c  	s = open_ifs_socket(af, type, protocol);
type             3722 win32/win32.c  	r = gethostbyaddr(addr, len, type);
type             3878 win32/win32.c      if (type != SOCK_STREAM) {
type             3887 win32/win32.c  	    svr = open_ifs_socket(af, type, protocol);
type             3894 win32/win32.c  	    if (type == SOCK_STREAM)
type             3897 win32/win32.c  	    w = open_ifs_socket(af, type, protocol);
type             3935 win32/win32.c      if (socketpair_internal(af, type, protocol, pair) < 0)