include StarRuby module FallingBlocks class View def render_text(screen, text, x, y, in_window = false) fore_color = in_window ?, 255, 255) :, 51, 153) screen.render_text(text, x + 1, y + 8 + 1, @font,, 0, 0, 64)) screen.render_text(text, x, y + 8, @font, fore_color) end private :render_text def render_piece(screen, piece, x, y, angle = 0, options = {}) blocks = @textures[:blocks] piece.height.times do |j| piece.width.times do |i| if piece[i, j, angle] screen.render_texture(blocks, x + i * 10, y + j * 10, { :src_x => * 10, :src_width => 10, :src_height => 10 }.merge(options)) end end end end private :render_piece attr_reader :model def initialize(model) @model = model @textures = { :background => Texture.load("images/falling_blocks/background"), :blocks => Texture.load("images/falling_blocks/blocks"), :field_window =>, 200), :next_piece_window =>, 50), :score_window =>, 20), :level_window =>, 20), :lines_window =>, 20), :start_info =>, 240), :pause_info =>, 240), :gameover_info =>, 240), } @font ="fonts/falling_blocks/flappy_for_famicom", 8) texture = @textures[:start_info] texture.fill(, 0, 0, 128)) str = "PRESS ANY KEY TO PLAY" width, height = @font.get_size(str) render_text(texture, str, (texture.width - width) / 2, (texture.height - height) / 2, true) texture = @textures[:pause_info] texture.fill(, 0, 0, 128)) str = "PAUSE" width, height = @font.get_size(str) render_text(texture, str, (texture.width - width) / 2, (texture.height - height) / 2, true) texture = @textures[:gameover_info] texture.fill(, 0, 0, 128)) str = "GAME OVER" width, height = @font.get_size(str) render_text(texture, str, (texture.width - width) / 2, (texture.height - height) / 2, true) end def update(screen) # clear windows{|k| k.to_s =~ /window$/}.each do |key| @textures[key].fill(, 0, 0, 192)) end # render the field if [:playing, :gameover].include?(model.state) window = @textures[:field_window] blocks = @textures[:blocks] field = model.field field.height.times do |j| field.width.times do |i| if field[i, j] window.render_texture(blocks, i * 10, j * 10, { :src_x => field[i, j] * 10, :src_width => 10, :src_height => 10 }) end end end end # render the falling piece if [:playing, :gameover].include?(model.state) window = @textures[:field_window] x = model.falling_piece_x y = model.falling_piece_y angle = model.falling_piece_angle options = {} options.merge!({ :tone_red => 128, :tone_green => 128, :tone_blue => 128 }) if model.falling_piece_landing? render_piece(window, model.falling_piece, x * 10, y * 10, angle, options) end # render flashing if model.state == :playing and model.flashing? window = @textures[:field_window] lines = model.field.flashing_lines flashing_texture = * 10, 10) flashing_texture.fill(, 0, 0, 128)) lines.each do |line| window.render_texture(flashing_texture, 0, line * 10) end end # render the next piece if [:playing, :gameover].include?(model.state) and model.next_piece window = @textures[:next_piece_window] x = (window.width - model.next_piece.width * 10) / 2 y = (window.height - model.next_piece.height * 10) / 2 render_piece(window, model.next_piece, x, y) end # render texts %w(score level lines).each do |key| value = model.send(key).to_s texture = @textures["#{key}_window".intern] x = texture.width - @font.get_size(value)[0] - 5 render_text(texture, value, x, 0, true) end screen.clear screen.render_texture(@textures[:background], 0, 0) screen.render_texture(@textures[:field_window], 20, 20) render_text(screen, "NEXT", 140, 15) screen.render_texture(@textures[:next_piece_window], 140, 35) render_text(screen, "SCORE", 140, 100) screen.render_texture(@textures[:score_window], 140, 120) render_text(screen, "LEVEL", 140, 140) screen.render_texture(@textures[:level_window], 140, 160) render_text(screen, "LINES", 140, 180) screen.render_texture(@textures[:lines_window], 140, 200) case model.state when :start screen.render_texture(@textures[:start_info], 0, 0) when :pause screen.render_texture(@textures[:pause_info], 0, 0) when :gameover screen.render_texture(@textures[:gameover_info], 0, 0) end end end end