yyerror          5132 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			    yyerror("BEGIN in method");
yyerror          5285 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			yyerror("can't make alias for the number variables");
yyerror          6068 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          6072 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          6083 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          6164 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          6180 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          6207 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			yyerror("class/module name must be CONSTANT");
yyerror          6635 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			yyerror("constant re-assignment");
yyerror          6649 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			yyerror("constant re-assignment");
yyerror          7733 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			    yyerror("class definition in method body");
yyerror          7794 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			    yyerror("module definition in method body");
yyerror          9534 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			yyerror("formal argument cannot be a constant");
yyerror          9546 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			yyerror("formal argument cannot be an instance variable");
yyerror          9558 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			yyerror("formal argument cannot be a global variable");
yyerror          9570 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			yyerror("formal argument cannot be a class variable");
yyerror          9583 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			    yyerror("formal argument must be local variable");
yyerror          9648 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			    yyerror("formal argument must be local variable");
yyerror          9663 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			    yyerror("formal argument must be local variable");
yyerror          9734 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			    yyerror("rest argument must be local variable");
yyerror          9761 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			    yyerror("block argument must be local variable");
yyerror          9763 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			    yyerror("duplicated block argument name");
yyerror          9814 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			    yyerror("can't define singleton method for ().");
yyerror          9826 ext/ripper/ripper.c 				yyerror("can't define singleton method for literals");
yyerror          10747 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	yyerror("invalid hex escape");
yyerror          10778 ext/ripper/ripper.c 		yyerror("invalid Unicode escape");
yyerror          10782 ext/ripper/ripper.c 		yyerror("invalid Unicode codepoint (too large)");
yyerror          10795 ext/ripper/ripper.c 		    yyerror("symbol cannot contain '\\u{0}'");
yyerror          10804 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	    yyerror("unterminated Unicode escape");
yyerror          10814 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	    yyerror("invalid Unicode escape");
yyerror          10827 ext/ripper/ripper.c 		yyerror("symbol cannot contain '\\u0000'");
yyerror          10928 ext/ripper/ripper.c         yyerror("Invalid escape character syntax");
yyerror          11013 ext/ripper/ripper.c         yyerror("Invalid escape character syntax");
yyerror          11098 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	yyerror(errbuf);			\
yyerror          12289 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	    yyerror("no .<digit> floating literal anymore; put 0 before dot");
yyerror          12328 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			yyerror("numeric literal without digits");
yyerror          12352 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			yyerror("numeric literal without digits");
yyerror          12376 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			yyerror("numeric literal without digits");
yyerror          12390 ext/ripper/ripper.c 			yyerror("numeric literal without digits");
yyerror          12421 ext/ripper/ripper.c 		    yyerror("Invalid octal digit");
yyerror          12499 ext/ripper/ripper.c 		yyerror(tmp);
yyerror          12703 ext/ripper/ripper.c 		    yyerror("unknown type of %string");
yyerror          12753 ext/ripper/ripper.c 		yyerror("unknown type of %string");
yyerror          13418 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	yyerror("Can't change the value of self");
yyerror          13421 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	yyerror("Can't assign to nil");
yyerror          13424 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	yyerror("Can't assign to true");
yyerror          13427 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	yyerror("Can't assign to false");
yyerror          13430 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	yyerror("Can't assign to __FILE__");
yyerror          13433 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	yyerror("Can't assign to __LINE__");
yyerror          13436 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	yyerror("Can't assign to __ENCODING__");
yyerror          13469 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          13490 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	    yyerror("duplicated argument name");
yyerror          13499 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	    yyerror("duplicated argument name");
yyerror          13661 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	    if (!cond) yyerror("void value expression");
yyerror          13874 ext/ripper/ripper.c 	yyerror("multiple assignment in conditional");
yyerror           841 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			    yyerror("BEGIN in method");
yyerror           967 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			yyerror("can't make alias for the number variables");
yyerror          1604 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          1608 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          1616 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          1678 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          1691 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          1714 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			yyerror("class/module name must be CONSTANT");
yyerror          2005 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			yyerror("constant re-assignment");
yyerror          2016 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			yyerror("constant re-assignment");
yyerror          2858 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			    yyerror("class definition in method body");
yyerror          2906 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			    yyerror("module definition in method body");
yyerror          4357 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			yyerror("formal argument cannot be a constant");
yyerror          4366 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			yyerror("formal argument cannot be an instance variable");
yyerror          4375 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			yyerror("formal argument cannot be a global variable");
yyerror          4384 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			yyerror("formal argument cannot be a class variable");
yyerror          4397 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			    yyerror("formal argument must be local variable");
yyerror          4456 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			    yyerror("formal argument must be local variable");
yyerror          4470 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			    yyerror("formal argument must be local variable");
yyerror          4536 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			    yyerror("rest argument must be local variable");
yyerror          4563 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			    yyerror("block argument must be local variable");
yyerror          4565 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			    yyerror("duplicated block argument name");
yyerror          4603 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			    yyerror("can't define singleton method for ().");
yyerror          4615 ext/ripper/ripper.y 				yyerror("can't define singleton method for literals");
yyerror          5347 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	yyerror("invalid hex escape");
yyerror          5378 ext/ripper/ripper.y 		yyerror("invalid Unicode escape");
yyerror          5382 ext/ripper/ripper.y 		yyerror("invalid Unicode codepoint (too large)");
yyerror          5395 ext/ripper/ripper.y 		    yyerror("symbol cannot contain '\\u{0}'");
yyerror          5404 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	    yyerror("unterminated Unicode escape");
yyerror          5414 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	    yyerror("invalid Unicode escape");
yyerror          5427 ext/ripper/ripper.y 		yyerror("symbol cannot contain '\\u0000'");
yyerror          5528 ext/ripper/ripper.y         yyerror("Invalid escape character syntax");
yyerror          5613 ext/ripper/ripper.y         yyerror("Invalid escape character syntax");
yyerror          5698 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	yyerror(errbuf);			\
yyerror          6889 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	    yyerror("no .<digit> floating literal anymore; put 0 before dot");
yyerror          6928 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			yyerror("numeric literal without digits");
yyerror          6952 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			yyerror("numeric literal without digits");
yyerror          6976 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			yyerror("numeric literal without digits");
yyerror          6990 ext/ripper/ripper.y 			yyerror("numeric literal without digits");
yyerror          7021 ext/ripper/ripper.y 		    yyerror("Invalid octal digit");
yyerror          7099 ext/ripper/ripper.y 		yyerror(tmp);
yyerror          7303 ext/ripper/ripper.y 		    yyerror("unknown type of %string");
yyerror          7353 ext/ripper/ripper.y 		yyerror("unknown type of %string");
yyerror          8018 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	yyerror("Can't change the value of self");
yyerror          8021 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	yyerror("Can't assign to nil");
yyerror          8024 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	yyerror("Can't assign to true");
yyerror          8027 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	yyerror("Can't assign to false");
yyerror          8030 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	yyerror("Can't assign to __FILE__");
yyerror          8033 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	yyerror("Can't assign to __LINE__");
yyerror          8036 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	yyerror("Can't assign to __ENCODING__");
yyerror          8069 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          8090 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	    yyerror("duplicated argument name");
yyerror          8099 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	    yyerror("duplicated argument name");
yyerror          8261 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	    if (!cond) yyerror("void value expression");
yyerror          8474 ext/ripper/ripper.y 	yyerror("multiple assignment in conditional");
yyerror           634 ext/syck/gram.c       yyerror ("syntax error: cannot back up");\
yyerror          1735 ext/syck/gram.c 	      yyerror (yymsg);
yyerror          1739 ext/syck/gram.c 	    yyerror ("syntax error; also virtual memory exhausted");
yyerror          1743 ext/syck/gram.c 	yyerror ("syntax error");
yyerror          1861 ext/syck/gram.c   yyerror ("parser stack overflow");
yyerror          5132 parse.c        			    yyerror("BEGIN in method");
yyerror          5285 parse.c        			yyerror("can't make alias for the number variables");
yyerror          6068 parse.c        			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          6083 parse.c        			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          6164 parse.c        			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          6180 parse.c        			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          6207 parse.c        			yyerror("class/module name must be CONSTANT");
yyerror          6635 parse.c        			yyerror("constant re-assignment");
yyerror          6649 parse.c        			yyerror("constant re-assignment");
yyerror          7726 parse.c        			    yyerror("class definition in method body");
yyerror          7787 parse.c        			    yyerror("module definition in method body");
yyerror          9490 parse.c        			yyerror("formal argument cannot be a constant");
yyerror          9502 parse.c        			yyerror("formal argument cannot be an instance variable");
yyerror          9514 parse.c        			yyerror("formal argument cannot be a global variable");
yyerror          9526 parse.c        			yyerror("formal argument cannot be a class variable");
yyerror          9539 parse.c        			    yyerror("formal argument must be local variable");
yyerror          9597 parse.c        			    yyerror("formal argument must be local variable");
yyerror          9612 parse.c        			    yyerror("formal argument must be local variable");
yyerror          9683 parse.c        			    yyerror("rest argument must be local variable");
yyerror          9710 parse.c        			    yyerror("block argument must be local variable");
yyerror          9712 parse.c        			    yyerror("duplicated block argument name");
yyerror          9763 parse.c        			    yyerror("can't define singleton method for ().");
yyerror          9775 parse.c        				yyerror("can't define singleton method for literals");
yyerror          10679 parse.c        	yyerror("invalid hex escape");
yyerror          10710 parse.c        		yyerror("invalid Unicode escape");
yyerror          10714 parse.c        		yyerror("invalid Unicode codepoint (too large)");
yyerror          10727 parse.c        		    yyerror("symbol cannot contain '\\u{0}'");
yyerror          10736 parse.c        	    yyerror("unterminated Unicode escape");
yyerror          10746 parse.c        	    yyerror("invalid Unicode escape");
yyerror          10759 parse.c        		yyerror("symbol cannot contain '\\u0000'");
yyerror          10860 parse.c                yyerror("Invalid escape character syntax");
yyerror          10945 parse.c                yyerror("Invalid escape character syntax");
yyerror          11030 parse.c        	yyerror(errbuf);			\
yyerror          12221 parse.c        	    yyerror("no .<digit> floating literal anymore; put 0 before dot");
yyerror          12260 parse.c        			yyerror("numeric literal without digits");
yyerror          12284 parse.c        			yyerror("numeric literal without digits");
yyerror          12308 parse.c        			yyerror("numeric literal without digits");
yyerror          12322 parse.c        			yyerror("numeric literal without digits");
yyerror          12353 parse.c        		    yyerror("Invalid octal digit");
yyerror          12431 parse.c        		yyerror(tmp);
yyerror          12635 parse.c        		    yyerror("unknown type of %string");
yyerror          12685 parse.c        		yyerror("unknown type of %string");
yyerror          13350 parse.c        	yyerror("Can't change the value of self");
yyerror          13353 parse.c        	yyerror("Can't assign to nil");
yyerror          13356 parse.c        	yyerror("Can't assign to true");
yyerror          13359 parse.c        	yyerror("Can't assign to false");
yyerror          13362 parse.c        	yyerror("Can't assign to __FILE__");
yyerror          13365 parse.c        	yyerror("Can't assign to __LINE__");
yyerror          13368 parse.c        	yyerror("Can't assign to __ENCODING__");
yyerror          13401 parse.c        	    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          13422 parse.c        	    yyerror("duplicated argument name");
yyerror          13431 parse.c        	    yyerror("duplicated argument name");
yyerror          13593 parse.c        	    if (!cond) yyerror("void value expression");
yyerror          13806 parse.c        	yyerror("multiple assignment in conditional");
yyerror           841 parse.y        			    yyerror("BEGIN in method");
yyerror           967 parse.y        			yyerror("can't make alias for the number variables");
yyerror          1604 parse.y        			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          1616 parse.y        			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          1678 parse.y        			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          1691 parse.y        			    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          1714 parse.y        			yyerror("class/module name must be CONSTANT");
yyerror          2005 parse.y        			yyerror("constant re-assignment");
yyerror          2016 parse.y        			yyerror("constant re-assignment");
yyerror          2858 parse.y        			    yyerror("class definition in method body");
yyerror          2906 parse.y        			    yyerror("module definition in method body");
yyerror          4357 parse.y        			yyerror("formal argument cannot be a constant");
yyerror          4366 parse.y        			yyerror("formal argument cannot be an instance variable");
yyerror          4375 parse.y        			yyerror("formal argument cannot be a global variable");
yyerror          4384 parse.y        			yyerror("formal argument cannot be a class variable");
yyerror          4397 parse.y        			    yyerror("formal argument must be local variable");
yyerror          4456 parse.y        			    yyerror("formal argument must be local variable");
yyerror          4470 parse.y        			    yyerror("formal argument must be local variable");
yyerror          4536 parse.y        			    yyerror("rest argument must be local variable");
yyerror          4563 parse.y        			    yyerror("block argument must be local variable");
yyerror          4565 parse.y        			    yyerror("duplicated block argument name");
yyerror          4603 parse.y        			    yyerror("can't define singleton method for ().");
yyerror          4615 parse.y        				yyerror("can't define singleton method for literals");
yyerror          5347 parse.y        	yyerror("invalid hex escape");
yyerror          5378 parse.y        		yyerror("invalid Unicode escape");
yyerror          5382 parse.y        		yyerror("invalid Unicode codepoint (too large)");
yyerror          5395 parse.y        		    yyerror("symbol cannot contain '\\u{0}'");
yyerror          5404 parse.y        	    yyerror("unterminated Unicode escape");
yyerror          5414 parse.y        	    yyerror("invalid Unicode escape");
yyerror          5427 parse.y        		yyerror("symbol cannot contain '\\u0000'");
yyerror          5528 parse.y                yyerror("Invalid escape character syntax");
yyerror          5613 parse.y                yyerror("Invalid escape character syntax");
yyerror          5698 parse.y        	yyerror(errbuf);			\
yyerror          6889 parse.y        	    yyerror("no .<digit> floating literal anymore; put 0 before dot");
yyerror          6928 parse.y        			yyerror("numeric literal without digits");
yyerror          6952 parse.y        			yyerror("numeric literal without digits");
yyerror          6976 parse.y        			yyerror("numeric literal without digits");
yyerror          6990 parse.y        			yyerror("numeric literal without digits");
yyerror          7021 parse.y        		    yyerror("Invalid octal digit");
yyerror          7099 parse.y        		yyerror(tmp);
yyerror          7303 parse.y        		    yyerror("unknown type of %string");
yyerror          7353 parse.y        		yyerror("unknown type of %string");
yyerror          8018 parse.y        	yyerror("Can't change the value of self");
yyerror          8021 parse.y        	yyerror("Can't assign to nil");
yyerror          8024 parse.y        	yyerror("Can't assign to true");
yyerror          8027 parse.y        	yyerror("Can't assign to false");
yyerror          8030 parse.y        	yyerror("Can't assign to __FILE__");
yyerror          8033 parse.y        	yyerror("Can't assign to __LINE__");
yyerror          8036 parse.y        	yyerror("Can't assign to __ENCODING__");
yyerror          8069 parse.y        	    yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
yyerror          8090 parse.y        	    yyerror("duplicated argument name");
yyerror          8099 parse.y        	    yyerror("duplicated argument name");
yyerror          8261 parse.y        	    if (!cond) yyerror("void value expression");
yyerror          8474 parse.y        	yyerror("multiple assignment in conditional");